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Domino is
a "disarmingly
work that "pushes
us to reexamine our
relationship to images
and their consumption,
not only ethically
but metaphysically"
-Collin Brinkman

De Palma on Domino
"It was not recut.
I was not involved
in the ADR, the
musical recording
sessions, the final
mix or the color
timing of the
final print."

Listen to
Donaggio's full score
for Domino online

De Palma/Lehman
rapport at work
in Snakes

De Palma/Lehman
next novel is Terry

De Palma developing
Catch And Kill,
"a horror movie
based on real things
that have happened
in the news"

Supercut video
of De Palma's films
edited by Carl Rodrigue

Washington Post
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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Earlier this week, Adam Nayman at The Ringer posted his picks for "The 10 Best Shots From Movies in 2019," and included the split-screen shot from Brian De Palma's Domino:
Brian De Palma is the supreme split-screen filmmaker of all time. Think of the prom scene in Carrie, or the doubling techniques in Dressed to Kill, or the boxing match in Snake Eyes; his ability to choreograph parallel action while subdividing the frame into different planes of perspective and meaning has always verged on authentic genius. Nobody wanted to give De Palma’s new, more-or-less direct-to-VOD thriller Domino credit as an auteur work, but the fact is that at least three or four of its sequences have the verve and invention of the director’s glory days, including the spectacular—and spectacularly incorrect—set piece depicting a terrorist attack on a European film festival, broadcast on a social media feed that shows the killer’s face side-by-side with the victims glimpsed through her weapon’s high-tech crosshairs. The result of De Palma’s visual gamesmanship is a multifaceted massacre scene that could just as easily be filed under exploitation as critique; by conflating different kinds of “shooting” (the camera and the gun) and reflecting the murderer’s gaze back at us twice over, Domino forces us to think about what we’re looking at instead of simply consuming it (even as the villains’ plans are explicitly to transform political violence into online entertainment). Long after many of 2019’s more conventionally lauded movies have faded from memory, De Palma’s unapologetic virtuosity will endure.

The New York Post's Sara Stewart would disagree with Nayman-- she includes Domino on her list of the five worst movies of 2019, writing that "De Palma scrapes the bottom of the barrel with this retro cop thriller, squandering the charisma of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in the process." In her review of Domino back in May, Stewart wrote, "His split-screen signature move is used to gratuitously violent effect in videos shot by the terrorists, while the Arab villains themselves are so cartoonish you wonder how any actor could agree to play them."

Posted by Geoff at 12:00 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, December 28, 2019 12:19 AM CST
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Saturday, December 28, 2019 - 1:51 PM CST

Name: "Christian Grevstad"

The New York Post is not worth the paper it's written on

Saturday, December 28, 2019 - 5:11 PM CST

Name: "@$#"

problematic politics. One can understand why DePalma ran away from this film and refuses to talk about which adds to the dark mystery this film has gathered.

Sunday, December 29, 2019 - 2:40 AM CST

Name: "neil"

A butchered murdered film. I hope the director makes one more great film. Hate to see DePalma's career finish with Domino. Deserves better then his experiences with the shockingly bad and tedious plot and sub-plots that go nowhere. DePalma should come out and say what went wrong.

Sunday, December 29, 2019 - 6:25 AM CST

Name: "the player"

when a 120-page script is turned into a 89-minute movie, sub-plots are invariably lost in the translation. 

Monday, December 30, 2019 - 1:24 AM CST

Name: "Mustafa"

His ugliest film he has made so far, visually, and content-wise. Never expected him to make a film with such a vile stereotypal movie in a million years. 

I am shocked that he hasnt denouned this stenching propaganda so far.

Writing these lines while looking at a big rare Femme Fatale poster infront of me, Scareface statue replica on the desk, with Sjout Factory posters on the wal for Raising Caine, Carrie, and Obsession. And two books in my drawer: Split Screen and Un-AMerican Psycho, along with every BluRay of his movies released, some of them I own 2 copies of!

A huge disappointment form a man I consider a cinematic God! 

Monday, December 30, 2019 - 3:52 AM CST

Name: "neil"

There hasn't been a pure DePalma film since Femme Fatale. His last masterpiece. 

Monday, December 30, 2019 - 3:56 PM CST

Name: "Mustafa"

I agree with Neil, Femme Fatale is a visual masterpiece.

To me his movies after that were ranging from good to very good, not excellent, but none was as badly made as this one! 

Monday, December 30, 2019 - 4:53 PM CST

Name: "phil"

watched "Mission Impossible" and comes off as a boring indie film with boring patches throughout amongst the limited set-pieces. The sequels have an epic globetrotting nature throughout with better narratives. "Ghost Protocol" "Rogue Nation" and "Fallout" stand shoulders higher then DePalma's timid and boring narrative that isn't on the epic scale of the sequels. Love to see John Woo's 3 hour directors cut. The first Mission film is working with a failed script that shouldn't have been greenlit.

Monday, December 30, 2019 - 5:40 PM CST

Name: "Geoff"
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/de/palma/blog

The screenplay for Mission Impossible was indeed being worked on throughout filming, but I definitely disagree with you, Phil--  there's nothing timid about it, not boring, and far from indie. It's visual depth makes it precisely the kind of film Scorsese speaks of when he talks about "the director as smuggler."

Monday, December 30, 2019 - 7:20 PM CST

Name: "Mustafa"

De Palma's MI is the only one that contained memorable set pieces, hence memorable scenes, among the series. You can say that recent sequels have faster pace of grandior, but NONE would stay in your memory after few years.

I havnt met someone who have seen the first one, even for once, and did not say that he remembered the vault scene, the train scene, the embassy scene, or the fish tank scene, need I to go on?

And it was the only one that Ethan Hunt was "human" in it, u could feel his anger, frustrations, and powerlessness. On the rest, he was just a product, a robot, a soulless creation of the IMF/Studio!


Monday, December 30, 2019 - 11:12 PM CST

Name: "Phil"

The train and the helicopter with that ridiculous chew gum explosive belongs in a Road Runner cartoon. There are memorable stunts and set-pieces from an underwhelming script where the premise doesn't ring true.

Jacks body would have been recovered from the elevator shaft. Sarah and Golitsyn stabbed would have been recovered. Hanna in the detonated car would have been recovered. Unless CIA/IMF had Jim and Claire Phelps dead bodies on a morgue slab Ethan wouldn't be implicated that easy. This is CIA/IMF not some underfunded police department. The film works as an okay live action cartoon that needed more action. Not a suitable script at the end of the day. 

Monday, December 30, 2019 - 11:31 PM CST

Name: "$$$"

MI is directed by an auteur but a film for teenages.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019 - 4:31 PM CST

Name: "harry georgatos"

DePalma has said he isn't interested in the logic of scripts. DePalma is more in the visual emotion of the movie like his idol Hitchcock.

MI is a pop art visual masterpiece. A film with so many iconic shots. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020 - 3:23 PM CST

Name: "insider"

Those hoping for DePalma to regain his glory days with the clumsy Domino should revisit Blow Out and Dressed To Kill to see DePalma at the top of his game

Directors approaching their retirement years seldom make their best and stand-out cinema. With the clumsy Domino it seems DePalma is on the way out. The Black Dahlia, Redacted, Passion and Domino is a director at the bottom of his game. Femme Fatale was the directors last great film. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020 - 10:27 PM CST

Name: "sue"

Passion has beautiful photography. Redacted and Domino have ugly cinematography and extremely unwatchable films. Not the type of films for repeat viewings. I still believe with the right script and budget DePalma can give a reason to his loyal fanbase to once again visit the cinema in watching a pure DePalma film. There are only so many directors that give me an excuse to leave my house and venture off to the multiplexes. DePalma is one of those filmmakers but there hasn't been a great film by this filmmaker since Femme Fatale. The only films for me to watch out for this new year is Tenet, No Time To Die and Dune.

Thursday, January 2, 2020 - 6:51 PM CST

Name: "peter"

DePalma's career has gone in the way of Joel Schumacher. DePalma finds himself on a playing field where he's going to be working with only soap opera actors. DePalma simply can't get his films open in the multiplexe's, and has become a VOD filmmaker. Large budgets are out of DePalma's range. It's a sad day the director of Carrie, Scarface, The Untouchables and Mission:Impossible has fallen this badly.

Thursday, January 2, 2020 - 7:02 PM CST

Name: "@#12"

Domino is a film of pieces. Bad pieces stitched together.

Thursday, January 2, 2020 - 7:21 PM CST

Name: "Geoff"
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/de/palma/blog

There are many great pieces in DOMINO. I don't follow the work of Joel Schumacher. De Palma has never shied away from casting actors from soap operas. Just about everyone these days is a VOD filmmaker.

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