Some pictures of 1957 DeSotos from the 15th National DeSoto Club Convention, July, 2000

I was not able to personally attend this convention, but thanks to my friend Don Haack, here are a few pictures of 1957 models from that event. Don't be confused with the '58 models (can be seen in some pictures). The 1958 DeSotos have the "drop" in the center of the front bumper and the up-turn on the side color sweep. Enjoy, and email me if you are a DeSoto fan!

Click on pics to enlarge!

Lloyd and Donna Van De Bogart's Adventurer, front view Rear view of Lloyd and Donna Van De Bogart's Adventurer Dave and Amy Cookson's Adventurer Rear view Dave and Amy Cookson's Adventurer Claude and Martha Edwards' 1957 Firesweep sedan A line-up of rear fins! Overall shot of the '57 and '58 line-up Back to Ed Petrus' Home Page