These pictures were taken 11-2-01. I've been working on the wiring and the brakes, mostly. I installed a new master cylinder, 6 new wheel cylinders, cleaned and re-packed the wheel bearings, installed relined brake shoes, put on new flexible brake hoses front and rear, and ran new steel brake lines everywhere. As you can see, I cleaned up the front spindles and painted them before installing the brake assemblies. I had the drums turned, too!

You can see that I put the padded dash back in. I'm NOT an upholsterer, but think it came along pretty well (considering the vinyl material was rolled up in a bucket!). I hope some of the creases ease out as it settles into place.

I also painted behind the headlight buckets with Eastwood's Corroless to control rusting there. I installed new headlights, too.

Keep watching for picture updates!

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Go HERE for pictures taken on 11-24-01.

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