Pictures of 1957 DeSotos from the National DeSoto Club convention, Akron, Ohio, August, 2004

This convention was pretty close to us, so my wife Lorraine and I attended with two of our cars. We chose to NOT have them judged. We just wanted to have fun, and actually this allowed me to be a judge in the 1957-1957 class.

By the way, also attending without their 1957 DeSotos were David Kirkel, Dean Mullinax, Dave and "Sis" Bruner (who brought their 1959 DeSoto), Barry Tosh, and Mike Singer.
(Click on pics to enlarge.)

Here's Donnie Goerge's Firesweep Sportsman! Donnie George's Firesweep Sportsman

Dave Vershall had his Fireflite there! Dave Vershall's Fireflite

Lorraine and Ed Petrus (us!) brought 2 cars. Here's our Firedome sedan: Ed & Lorraine Petrus' Firedome sedan

...And this is our Fireflite sedan Ed & Lorraine Petrus' Fireflite sedan

This is Eugene Lehman's Fireflite convertible! Eugene Lehman's Fireflite convertible

George Wuszke had his Adventurer there! George Wuszke's Adventurer

This is Garry Yazell's Firedome sedan! Gary and Mickey Yazell's Firedome sedan

Leon Haddix brought his Firesweep! Leon and Joy Haddix's Firesweep

Joe White was there with his Firedome Sportsman 4-dr HT! Joe and Gloria White's Firedome Sportsman 4-dr HT
This is Richard Werner's Adventurer! Richard Werner's Adventurer

This is a shot of all the rear fins!!! Some of the 1957 lineup

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