Pictures of 1957 DeSotos from the National DeSoto Club convention, Gettysburg PA, July 2008

This year the convention was held in beautiful and historic Gettysburg, PA, and certainly one the the highlights was the tour of the battlefields. Just awesome and inspiring! There were 4 1957's in attendance, but what beauties they were!!

(Click on pics to enlarge.)

I had my Adventurer there!
Ed Petrus' Adventurer Ed Petrus' Adventurer

This is Donnie George's Firesweep from Indiana!
Donnie George's Firesweep Donnie George's Firesweep

Garry Yazell drove his 1957 Firedome sedan all the way from Minnesota, with a stop at the WPC national meet along the way!
Garry Yazell’s Firedome sedan Garry Yazell’s Firedome sedan

Steve Lichtman had the most unusual 1957. His is the Explorer wagon once used for ambulance/rescue purposes!
Steve Lichtman’s Fireflite Explorer wagon Steve Lichtman’s Fireflite Explorer wagon

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