Pictures of 1957 DeSotos from the 3D Picnic near Chagrin Falls, Ohio, August 2008

My wife Lorraine and I once again took our Adventurer to the picnic. This year there were only 3 1957 DeSotos in attendance. I'll try to improve on that for next year! Click to enlarge each preview.

Here's the beautiful Firedome owned by Larry Cola!
Firedome owned by Larry Cola

This great car is Dave Vershall's Fireflite!
Fireflite of Dave Vershall Fireflite of Dave Vershall

This is the Adventurer we own (Ed and Lorraine Petrus)!
Adventurer of Ed and Lorraine Petrus Adventurer of Ed and Lorraine Petrus

It's always great to get a picture or two of the cars lined up!
All the cars lined up! (Front view) All the cars lined up! (Rear view)

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