Pictures of 1957 DeSotos from the National DeSoto Club convention, St. Joseph's, Michigan, July 2009

I regret not being able to attend what (from all reports) was a wonderful show! However, thanks to friends Lee Exline and Bill McChesney, I have some nice photographs of the '57 models that were there. It is with their permissions that I post the following pictures.

(Click on pics to enlarge.)

This is Donnie George's Firesweep from Indiana!
Donnie George's Firesweep Donnie George's Firesweep

Richard Porter brought his Fireflite!
Richard Porter's Fireflite Sportsman 2-dr HT Richard Porter's Fireflite Sportsman 2-dr HT

Joe and Gloria White brought their Firedome sedan!
Joe White's Firedome sedan Joe White's Firedome sedan

George and Nancy Wuszke had their Adventurer there!
George Wuszke's Adventurer coupe George Wuszke's Adventurer coupe

This is a Fireflite sedan owned by Gary Strayhall!
Gary Strayhall's Fireflite sedan Gary Strayhall's Fireflite sedan

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