Pictures of 1957 DeSotos from the 3D Picnic near Chagrin Falls, Ohio, August 2010

Lorraine and I drove our Adventurer coupe to the picnic this year. It was a great drive, but 5 minutes from the picnic area, the sky opened up and we had a half-hour rainshower. Once it blew by and everyone wiped off the cars, we could enjoy each others’ company and of course, the DeSotos! Larry Cola was there but didn’t bring his ’57 (he brought an incredible ’69 Dodge Charger!). Leon Haddix had his Firesweep hardtop there, looking as nice as it ever has. First-timer Pat Caffey brought his beautiful ’57 Fireflite with attached awe-inspiring tag-a-long trailer! Welcome, Pat!

I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention the passing of Greg Starc. He and his brother Joe have brought their ’57 Fireflite hardtop to many 3D picnics, and Greg was an absolutely wonderful man. I wish his family nothing but comfort, knowing that he’s being rewarded for his service here on earth. We WILL see him again.

Here's a front view of the '57s in attendance!
fronts of the 3 ‘57’s in attendance

And a rear view of them!
rear shot of the 3 ‘57’s in attendance

Here's our Adventurer (Ed & Lorraine Petrus)!
Adventurer owned by Ed and Lorraine Petrus Adventurer owned by Ed and Lorraine Petrus

This is Leon Haddix's black beauty, a Firesweep!
Firesweep owned by Leon and Joy Haddix Firesweep owned by Leon and Joy Haddix

Pat and Linda Caffey brought this beautiful Fireflite and awesome trailer, their first time here!
Fireflite hardtop owned by Pat and Lynda Caffey Fireflite hardtop owned by Pat and Lynda Caffey

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