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The following is a description of the HTML tags and attributes I used in the main page.

1) The < HTML > tag

This tag opens all HTML documents, identifying that document as one in HTML. When the interpreter encounters a
< /HTML > tag it stops interpreting. Functionally speaking the document has ended, and only through reading the document source can one read what is written after it.

2) The < HEAD > tag

This tag opens a section of the document in which other tags containing information about that document usually not affecting its appearance. I only used one such tag:

3) The < TITLE > tag

The text following this tag is the document title: In the case of the main page the line read
< TITLE > Ian P. Morgenheim's Love Wagon: Original Music Out The Wazoo < /TITLE > .

4) The < BODY > tag

This marks the beginning of the body of the document: all text, links, etc. follow this tag. One can specify a number of attributes about the following document within this tag; I personally used

5) The BGCOLOR attribute

The BGCOLOR attribute is set equal to a set of three two-digit hexadecimal numbers. Each pair represents the level of one of the colors red, green, and blue (in the format rrggbb). It specifies the background color of the page. In my case the line read < BODY BGCOLOR= " ffffff " > , and the resultant background color was white (i.e. maximum red, green, and blue). On the opposite end of the spectrum, a BGCOLOR value of 000000 would result in a black background (no red, no green, and no blue).

6) The < P > tag

The < P > tag denotes the beginning of a new paragraph, in essence skipping to the next line. This tag and others like it are important in HTML, as simply hitting the enter key does not translate into the skipping of a line (unless one is using a special editor) One can add to it

7) The < ALIGN > attribute

The < ALIGN > attribute is set equal to " left, center, or right (and a few other values that I didn't use). " It determines the alignment of the following paragraph or image. To show an image, one uses

8) The < IMG > tag

The < IMG > tag is used to show an image file. The simplest way to show an image (the way I used on the main page) used

9) The < SRC > attribute

The < SRC > line is set equal to the URL of the image to be shown. The line used to show the animated .GIF file looked like this: < IMG SRC= " images/logo.gif " > . This is because the image file is located in the images/ subdirectory of the main directory.

10) The < A > tag

Perhaps the most important tag of fundamental HTML, the < A > tag identifies portions of a document as " hyperlinks " , ways of getting to (or coming from) other document. It is used in conjunction with a number of attributes, but the only one I've used thus far on the main page is

11) The HREF attribute

The HREF (Hypertext REFerence) attribute is set equal to the URL of the document, image, or other type of file. When the word or image located in between the opening ( < A > ) and closing ( < /A > ) tags is clicked on, the browser loads the file specified by the HREF attribute. The link which leads to this file looks like this:
< A HREF= " html.html " > HTML information/tutorial thingy < /A >
The text in between the opening and closing tags (the hyperlink) appears blue by default (at least under Netscape; I'm pretty sure it's the same in Internet Explorer).

12) The < BR > tag

This simple tag skips a line.

13) The < H > tags

This set of tags (the Heading tags), which range from H1 to H6, highlight the text between their respective openings and closings. The numbered lines on this page are < H3 > , halfway in size between 1 and 6. The statement " It's MIDI time " on the main page is < H1 > , the largest of the H tags.

14) The < FONT SIZE > tag

Last but certainly not least, this tag (strangely enough) modifies font size. I used it at the end of the main page. The line " Comments, criticisms, and such... " is in < FONT SIZE=1 > and the two lines after that are in < FONT SIZE=2 > .