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I'm a small breeder! Please include me!!

These listings are not intended for commercial hatcheries; we already have a page for that! It is for getting in contact with folks who might know more about a particular breed than you do, or who might have birds available to mix up your gene pool with. Being listed here also makes you available to folks who aren't looking to show birds, but would love your breeding pen culls!
This form will send your information directly to my e-mail box. After you push the "Get Listed!" button, it will take you to a page of advertisement; if you are not in the least interested, just use your browser's "BACK" button.
This form is not set to refuse submission if you don't fill out a field---but I would appreciate it if you simply put "N/A" if you choose not to share something, just so I know that the system is not some how malfunctioning.

Your name:          
Your Coop name:
Mailing Address:
City/Town: State/Prov.: Post./Zip Code:

Your complete phone number:

Your email address:

Your Home Page:

How do you prefer to be contacted?
by e-mail by telephone by mail

Please list ONLY breeds of banties you can be contacted about in this field.....
list other fowl in the Other Information field below to keep from confusing the webmaster!

I can be contacted for....
hatching eggs   day-old chicks   started stock and/or adults

How about shipping? What ages of birds will you ship?
Will you ship anywhere? Who covers cost of shipping and/or box costs?

Other Information
....such as other animals you can be contacted about. Stunning, fast, FREE!
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