*II Law of Attention*
The more one seeks to support a given law, conclusion, or worldview, the more evidence one will find. Worldviews have inertia. Since we create our world each moment (see I: Law of Worldviews), we are constantly maintaining our worldview. This is done by means of a recursive internal dialogue of words and symbols with which we constantly edit our perceptions. By rearranging our attention, we rearrange our worldview.This law may be viewed as an extension of the Law of Worldviews, or something entirely separate. On the one hand, by seeking to validate your worldview, you may be creating the evidence you seek. Your subconscious provides the symbolism and signs to which your conscious mind responds. A kind of synchronicity occurs between you subconscious and conscious mind which results in coincidental observations. These observations make it seem that what you believe is true or increases your belief that something is true.
On the other hand, by simply desiring a worldview to be true, your mind begins to discard any illusions between you and its validation. In other words, you see more evidence because you are no longer disregarding it. The evidence may have existed all along, but until you were ready to accept it, it remained hidden from you.
In the long run, this Law is only good for strengthening your worldview. By stringing along events and symbols in a “logical” fashion, you can prove a worldview exists, and in doing so, make changing a previous worldview easier. What I mean is, if you are attempting to alter your current worldview to a new one, attempting to change your reality for something else, then use of the second Law will facilitate that change.
This law deals specifically with divination and the interpretation of omens and portents as well as the use of sigils and symbolic systems.
*Application of the Law of Attention*
It is simple to apply the law of attention to whatever worldview you are shooting for. Just pay attention to everything around you. Signs and synchronic events will occur to validate any reality for which you are wishing.
If you have a good memory, you can keep a running tab of events which verify that your worldview is true. Depending upon what you have read (books of omens, signs, etc), you will be able to single out events and observances as more significant than others quite easily. You can also use symbolism to enact your new reality.
Affirmations are one of the best way to put the Law of Worldviews into effect, but the Law of Attention deals more with symbolism. If you are artistically inclined, you can draw, paint, or otherwise illustrate the ideas inherent in your world view, then watch for an echo of those symbols in your day to day reality. Sigils are another great way to reinforce your belief system.
The simplest way to create a sigil is to collect any words which apply to your reality. You can use the common alphabet or choose from any magickal alphabet which appeals to your senses. Reduce each word to one letter. Combine the letters, eliminating shared lines until you have one form. Draw this form on a clean sheet of parchment or paper, using whatever ink you feel appropriate. This will be your sigil once you empower it. It is a tool toward changing your reality and recognizing change. Once you put it to use, watch for the changes you desire in your reality. Acknowledgment of those changes will further validate your worldview.