I Law of Worldviews:
The world we perceive is actually a mixture of the nominal world (the Tao, the objective reality that is unknowable but which underlies all that we think we know) and ourselves (the subjective). Changing your worldview does not change the eternal, real world, but it does change the world you perceive. That is, changing your worldview makes real changes in the world which is real to us. (see VII: Law of Reflections) Because there are an infinite number of ways to perceive the world, there are also an infinite number of worlds we may assemble without awareness. The true underlying reality is unknowable to us as long as we retain our worldview of separateness and self. You can become one with the universe but you cannot step back and observe it, because you are in it. You cannot observe a phenomenon without altering it by your mode of perception. There is no such thing as an independent observer. You participate in creating the world by perceiving it.The Law of Personal Universes Every sentient being lives in and quite possibly creates a unique universe which can never be 100% identical to that lived in by another. So-called "reality" is a matter of consensus opinions.
The Law of Infinite Universes The total number of universes into which all possible combinations of existing phenomena could be organized is infinite. Anything is possible, though some things are more probable than others and so are easier to enact.
II Law of Attention:
The more one seeks to support a given law, conclusion, or worldview, the more evidence one will find. Worldviews have inertia. Since we create our world each moment (see I: Law of Worldviews), we are constantly maintaining our worldview. This is done by means of a recursive internal dialogue of words and symbols with which we constantly edit our perceptions. By rearranging our attention, we rearrange our worldview.
III Law of Synchronicity:
Synchronicity is a term invented by Jung to describe meaningful coincidence that cannot be described by the law of cause and effect. They are events connected by pattern (meaning) rather than time. (see VIII: Law of Association) Some interpret this as an ongoing and developing dialogue between the perceiver and the consciousness of the universe. Two or more events happening at the same time are likely to have more in common than the merely temporal. This dialogue is overt to the degree the perceiver is receptive to (or aware of) it. There is no such thing as a mere coincidence.Law of Unity Everything is linked, directly or indirectly, to everything else. Every phenomena in existence is linked directly or indirectly to every other one, past, present, or future. Any perceived separation between phenomena is based on fragmentary perception or understanding of the phenomena.
IV Law of Relative Truth:
Every statement is true in one sense, false in one sense, and meaningless in one sense. This is a function of one’s vantage point (worldview). In the words of Hassan Ibn Sabbah, “Nothing is true. Everything is permissible.” It is possible for a concept or act to violate the truth patterns of a given personal universe and still be "true," provided that it "works" in a specific situation.
V Law of Pragmatism:
If a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, then that belief or behavior is "true" or "real." If it works, it is true. The more successful a worldview is in fulfilling the goal, the more valid it is said to be. By this definition, few people are completely insane. However, by the same definition, very few people are entirely sane either.
VI Law of Paradox:
No worldview may encompass the whole world. Two models (or “laws”) may conflict with each other and still be true in their proper context. Two people may experience the same event yet perceive entirely different occurrences. Rationality is limited by the intellect; the world is not. The world is not bound by the confines of our worldviews. The trick is to switch from one model to another as it becomes appropriate. (see V: Law of Pragmatism)
VII Law of Reflection:
As above, so below. The microcosm *is* the macrocosm. The part contains the whole. One of the most common and widely applicable axioms of magick, it is reputed to have originally been written on the fabled Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. Every speck contains the image (or pattern) of the entire universe in the same way that a cell of the body contains the DNA of the entire being. Each person contains the cosmic image. When the inner image is tuned (brought into resonance) with the outer image, a change in one will occur simultaneously with a change in the other. To perceive one is to perceive the other. This is the basis of the mantic systems such as the I Ching or Tarot Cards, and the basis for the belief that humanity is created in God’s Image. The universe is within us and without us.
VIII Law of Association:
If any two pattern have elements in common, the patterns interact through those common elements. Thus control of one pattern facilitates control of the other(s), depending upon the number of common elements involved (among other factors). The more the patterns have in common, the more influence they exert upon one another.The Law of Similarity Having an accurate physical or mental representation of something facilitates control over it. A model, picture, or other representation (voodoo doll) of your target gives you power to effect the target. This is sympathetic magick.
The Law Of Contagion Objects or beings in physical contact with each other continue to interact after separation. Everyone you have ever touched has a magical link to you, though it may be pretty weak unless the contact was intense and/or prolonged. Naturally, having a part of someone's body gives the best contagion link. Anything once in contact with a substance, person, or object may be used as a “witness” for that substance, person, or object. Example: Use of hair or nail clippings in a voodoo doll allows the magi to tune into the person like a radio receiver. This is “homeopathic magick.” (see IIIb: Law of Unity)
The Law of Abundance This law expresses the attraction of like for like, e.g. money makes money, a fear is an unrequited wish, etc....As it is associated with nonconservation, in the olden days it was referred to as "The Miser's Dread". The occultist who is down to his or her last dollar is advised to go out and spend it, for an energy spent attracts a similar energy.
IX Law of Synthesis:
Two or more opposing forces or concepts may be unified in a force or concept, which will contain both the original opposites. This fusion will produce a new pattern more valid than its constituents. That is, it will be applicable to more levels of reality. This new pattern may not be a compromise, but instead may be something completely new.
X Law of Duality (Polarity):
Opposites can be defined only in relation to each other. Any pattern of data can be split into (at least) two "opposing" characteristics, and each will contain the essence of the other within itself. The "opposite" of a pattern contains information about that pattern by providing a definition of what the pattern is not. Thus, control over a pattern's opposite (or near opposite) allows control over both.
XI Law of Connection:
Every action is an energy exchange. To have power over something is for it to have power over you. To oppose something is to maintain it. Two opposites each contain the essence of the other.
XII Law of Personification:
Any concept, force, object, or phenomena may be considered alive, to have a personality and to be an entity. Any concepts, forces, or objects, which manifest as entities, can and should be treated as real beings. This makes interaction with these forces easier to envision and carry out. These beings (patterns) can also be viewed as objectified aspects of ourselves, but it is useless (perhaps even dangerous) to take this attitude while actually dealing with them. Do not be fooled just because something is only the personification of a pattern of energies. You can be described this way too.The Law of Invocation It is possible to establish internal communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself, said entities seeming to be inside of oneself during the communication process.
The Law of Evocation It is possible to establish external communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself, said entities seeming to be outside oneself during the communication process.
XIII Law of Interfaces:
Power exists in the interfaces of things. These are the between places that are not entirely one thing or another. (see VIII: Law of Association) Traditionally, these places include caves, grottos, towers, mountains, beaches, wells, crossroads, and cliffs. All the chief hourly changes of the day are considered powerful. These are dawn, noon, twilight (sunset), and midnight. Likewise, the solstices and equinoxes, the pivots of the year, have always been very important. There is a medieval legend that if a woman wished to become a witch she need only remove her clothes and stand between the high- and low-tide marks at the seashore.
XIV Law of Words (Symbols) of Power:
There are words/symbols (keys) that are able to change the inner and/or other realities of those using/perceiving them. These sounds do not necessarily need to be consciously understood by those using/perceiving them in order to have their effect. One view is that these keys have accumulated power through use (attention) over thousands of years. Others would say that there is an intrinsic primordial connection (resonance) between these keys and the forces or concepts they represent that goes beyond human design. Many people believe this about Sanskrit, claiming that it is the original root language of humanity. Many such keys are names, though the meanings may have been lost or forgotten. Many magical tools require symbols to be inscribed upon them and/or words to be said over them during their construction and/or use.
XV Law of Magical Names:
In magical systems, a name is the thing named. This is to say that in some way, there is an analogical correspondence between the name and the thing named. There is a connection created by shared structure. To know the true name of a person, place, or thing is to have complete control over it. Of course, you could never command something to do anything that was not in its nature, but to know a thing’s true name is to know its nature. What most people consider to be a name is really (in magical sense) only a label (see XVI: Law of Labeling). This works because a name is a definition as well as a contagion link, and an association (if you call something by the same name over and over, that name eventually becomes associated with the thing). This also works, because knowing the complete and true name of something means that you have achieved a complete understanding of its nature.
XVI Law of Labeling:
When you label something, you exclude information about it. This is because the thing becomes obscured by other information stored under the label for the thing. If I were to say, “I study magic,” this would immediately bring up all the associations and stored data under the label “magic.” Some people would think of a stage magician; others would think of Satanism, while still others would perceive of the study of magic in terms of historical data. Yet none of these things may actually have anything to do with what you or I might mean by the word “magic.” By symbolizing something, you impose the deep structure of the symbol system used on the way you perceive the thing symbolized. People tend to believe that they understand something when they have a name for it. This is called nominalization. It enables people to take very ill defined concepts and continuing processes and talk about them as if they were concrete things. The problem is that frequently even the users of these terms (names) do not know what they mean. Nominalization is an important tool. However, we must realize when we are using it.Law of information Packing The more information contained in a symbol, the more general (vague) it becomes. The more specific a symbol system is the more information is excludes.
XVII Law of Pattern (Knowledge):
Information can be viewed as a measure of the unpredictability of a message, that is, the number of variables contained within the message that must be accounted for. The more variables in a message, the more information it contains. In any system, the most probable state of an object is rest (dispersion of available energy). Since most systems tend toward entropy, the least probable state of any object is potential growth.
Thus, we can think of the degree of order in a system as the amount of energy in it.
Pattern as information=Information as energy=Knowledge=Power.
The more information you have, the less energy you need. Understanding brings control. The more that is known and understood about a subject, the easier it is to exercise control over it. Some people have defined life as negative entropy because it evolves, i.e. develops greater and greater complexities of pattern. In this sense, the universe becomes more intelligent every day.The Law of Self-Knowledge A magi who does not have knowledge of himself does not have knowledge (and therefore control) of his own magic. This law is one of the reasons evil magi are very rare. A dedication to "evil for evil's sake" is usually due to a lack of introspection and awareness of oneself.
XVIII The Law of Identification:
It is possible through maximum association between elements of oneself and those of another being to actually become that being, to the point of sharing knowledge and power. This is the law that controls most lengthy or permanent possession phenomena.
XIX Law of Intelligence:
Any pattern of sufficient complexity will act intelligent when treated as an entity. A pattern more complex than ourselves could be said to be more intelligent than we are. (see also XII Law of Personification)
XX Law of Cause and Effect:
A law applicable to scientific as well as magickal studies, the Law of Cause and Effect is simple in application. If exactly the same actions are performed under exactly the same conditions with the same results, the same results will be expected during any future occurrences. Most spells involves so many variables, that controlling or even understanding them all is impossible. The key to magical success is learning which variables are the most important, and how to keep them constant.Law of Karma Though Karma is an Eastern term, this law is loosely used by many people to express the 'as you sow, so shall you reap' principle. A generally unheeded aspect of this law involves the exchange of energies. We should never expect anything for nothing, although the exchange need not always be in kind. A gift of money need not be repaid in cash, but could be rewarded in a way which is appropriate to ones means or talent. A simple healing prayer said in deep sincerity may be equal in energy output to a rich man's gift of a thousand dollars.
XXI The Law of Dynamic Balance:
To survive, let alone to become powerful, one must keep every aspect of one's universe in a state of dynamic balance with every other aspect. Extremism is dangerous. An extreme being becomes so associated with the extreme aspect that they lose the ability to avoid that aspect at all. This is another reason evil magi are rare, as continuous association with pain or death will cause a magus pain or death. This is also why good magi, especially healers, tend to live a long time.
XXII The Law of Perversity:
Sometimes known as Murphy's Law, if anything can go wrong, it will, and in the most annoying or disastrous manner possible. Magical associations sometimes operate in the reverse of what was desired, and meaningful coincidences are just as likely to be unpleasant as pleasant. Even if nothing can go wrong, some element of the universe may change so that things will go wrong anyway. Emotionally healthy magi have less problems with this law than others do, as the magi own subconscious mind is probably a major perpetrator of this law.
XXIII The Law of Rebound:
A superior force will always rebound a lesser power. In other words, striving against a practitioner or disembodied energy that is stronger or more adept than you will cause whatever you project to return to you in addition to the force of the one singled out for your ire.The Law of Equalities When two equal forces meet, one will eventually give way to the other who then rises in status as a result. This Law is echoed in the natural laws of science and may be clearly evidenced in particle physics.
XXIV The Law of Three Requests:
This law designates how things do or do not work, according to one's degree of adeptship. If, upon issuing an occult summons, a student finds that the result is not correct, then the right to issue the summons has not yet been earned.
XXV The Law of Summons
All requests from the subtle (magickal) dimensions are repeated in triplicate. At the first utterance, the conscious mind is alerted, the repeat engages the reasoning faculties, while the third statement makes direct contact with the psyche or soul force. It is an aspect of the mystique of the sacred three.
XXVI The Law of Challenge: All visions, dreams, sources of inspiration, suspicions, in fact anything that would appear to issue from beyond the bounds of rational, logical thinking, should be challenged for their validity. Be aware of the subtle line that divides your personal reality from the nominal reality and inspiration from delusion.
XXVII The Law of Balance:
Everything should function according to its own frequency or at its correct level. Sitting for hours attempting to move a table with psychokinetic energy, when the same effect can be produced by giving it a slight push, is a fruitless task and waste of energy. This law also governs the stability necessary for the function and correct expression of energy at any level, in particularly in the field of disease and healing. It denounces excesses of any kind, demanding that the physical body be treated with courtesy because it is host to many other life forms.