Tools of the Trade

So you've read all the books. You've grown out of the spell collecting phase (a la Llewellyn). You're ready to get down to the serious aspects of your Craft, but you don't know where to start and the stuff on the bookstore shelves isn't helping.

Magic(k) is quickly becoming a very popular subject in the world as people seek new and conversely ancient ways of dealing with a rapidly changing world. In fact, the metaphysical/magic/divination/speculation section in the Borders where I work is larger than the Christianity section (unless you include the Inspirational section which it must be admitted is very much Christian-biased). Some people shy away from the term magic because it has largely unknown laws which run counter to the currently more popular traditions of science. Others reject it feeling it is based in superstition, outdated folklore, and (the horror) new-agey sentimental clap-trap.

A wise man once stated that "any sufficiently advanced science will appear as magic to the uninitiate." In fact, magic has the capacity to fit into any and all systems. It does have laws which explain its effects, and laws which guide its practicioners in its use. In many ways, magic is the sister of philosophy and the mother of science. Many of the Magical Laws are similar to the known laws of science and like science, new discoveries are made as people make explorations into the realms of the unknown.

But Magic is really non-denominational and any person of any faith is capable of a magical act. In the realm of magical endeavors, many separate its practice into two distinct groups... that of High Magic and Low Magic. These are really misnomers because the terms deal with knowledge and practice, not power. These two types of magic are on equal footing, depending upon the strength of the Magic-user and not their tools or other paraphernalia.

High Magic is also refered to as Ceremonial Magic. Practicioners are typically in the habit of calling upon outside forces (spirits) to enact their desires. Though other spirits in other pantheons might be called upon by these Magi, this branch of magic has been heavily influenced by the Middle Ages and Christianity. Many of the spirits it calls upon are Angels or Demons, with specialized sigils and summoning methods. Goetic sorcerers, necromancers, magicians, and alchemists fit into this group.

The other group, those who practice Low Magic, use many different methods, but largely call upon powers within or from humble nature spirits. Though both groups make use of the intrinsic vibrations of herbs, gemstones, colors, and other items, it is the Low Magicians who are most known for using these tools to utilize their own energies or borrow from nature. While High Magicians command, Low Magicians ask with largely the same results. Low Magicians are also called Witches, Kitchen Witches, Hedge Mages, Shamans and so on.

Because in this era, not all magic-users utilize methods found in High Magic and Low Magic to achieve their goals (and because referring to them as high and low creates an uneccessary bias in the minds of some), I have always prefered a classification of three types of magic instead -magic of thought, magic of word, and magic of deed. Magic of thought would run the gamut from unintentional "wish-magic" to deliberate psychism and affirmation. Magic of word would cover any word or sounds, while magic of deed would apply to any physical action from a gesture to drawing sigils. Obviously there would be much cross-over between the three... how can you speak without mental intent, draw a sign without knowing what it means, drum for energy without sound... but realigned in these terms, there is no High or Low Magic. There is only energy.

Getting Down to Basics

*Your Altar and Paraphernalia
*The Athame and Boline
*The Broom or Besom
*The Staff and Wand
*Cauldron and Chalice
*Other Tools
*The Clothes that make the witch
*Divination Tools

Your BOS and Its Contents
(if you haven't already started copying down the chapters above)

*Your Book of Shadows
*Purification and Consecration
*Types of Divination
*Elements and Elementals
*The Importance of Names
*Spirit Animals

Active Spells (Charms/Talismans)

*Employment Charm
*Fish Charm
*Jupiter's Thighband
*How to make someone move away
*Love Pomander
*Rose Love Beads

Re-Active Spells (Charms/Amulets)

*Evil Eye Charm
*Ren -Egyptian Name Amulet
*Witch's Bottles

Assorted Miscellaneous Crafts & Projects

*Flower Circlets
*Corn Dollies
*Herbal Pillows
*Medicine Bags
*Ouija Boards
*Solar Disc

Fore more information, see the
Ancient Whispers Newsletter
published on this site every Wednesday or
contact me at Ask Candace.

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