The Ancient Whispers Newsletter Archive

(Formerly the Circle of Bodhisattva Newsletter)


Welcome to the Ancient Whispers Newsletter, a multi-cultural newsletter with a little something for everyone of any creed or religion. If you wish to share this newsletter with others, please keep it intact with the original authors' names on all the articles.

Questions, comments, and topical requests are encouraged and should be posted to the AskCandace open forum at yahoogroups. I'd like to start a help column for the newsletter, so if you'd like to have your problem featured in a newsletter, let me know when you post.


The Ancient Whispers Newsletter is honored to have received the Blue Memories Award of Excellence.


Volume 3 (2003)

January 1 2 3 4 5 February 6 7 8 March 9 10 11 12

April 13 14 15 16 17 May 18 19 20 21 June 22 23 24 25

July 26 27 28 29 30 August 31 32 33 September 34 35 36 37

October 38 39 40 41 42 November 43 44 45 46 December 47 48 49 50

Volume 4 (2004)

January 1 2 3 4 5 February 6 7 8 9 March 10 11 12 13

April 14 15 16 17 May (#18) was lost 19 20 21 June 22 23 July 24 25

August 26 September 27 28 29 October 30

If you wish only to view the series archives rather than the newsletters in their entirety, please see below.

For past articles in the Who's Who in World Mythology, please go to the
Who's Who Archive.
For past articles from the Magi's Garden, please go to the
The Magi's Garden Archive.
For past articles in the Power of Stones series, please go to the
Power of Stones Archive.
For past editions of the Dreamer's Guide, please go to the
Dreamer's Guide Archive.

The saccharine doubletalk of Llewellyn books got you feeling sick?
Want a no nonsense approach to Paganism laid out for you in simple terms?
Check out the new, expanded version of the
Tools of the Trade articles.


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to the Ancient Whispers Newsletter.

Your contributions are much appreciated. They provide more funds for research, for computer disks, for more webspace, and for various other things which I cannot afford at the moment.

If you like the newsletter and want to show your appreciation,
a donation kills two birds with one stone.