
Astrometeorology is the investigation of the relation between the sun, moon, and stars, and the weather. It is also known as long range weather forecasting, a science of forecasting weather, fierce storms, floods, droughts, deep freezes, hurricanes, and even earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. It is one of the oldest known systems of organized knowledge.

The ancient astronomers observed that when planets in geocentric longitude moved through various constellations, seismic activity occurred and weather patterns differed according to the influence of that particular sign. By using the position of the Sun, Moon, and Planets in relation to the Earth, astrometeorologist seeks to predict the time, location and severity of weather or seismic activity at any given time, for any geographical location on the planet. It is the only known science that is capable of predicting when and where natural disasters are likely to strike, weeks, months, even years in advance.