Numbers, we use them everyday. How meaningful are they to our lives? We are born on a certain date that we procede to celebrate until we die. If it is not important, why do we celebrate it? We have such expressions as, third time's the charm. Why?Numerology is the process of finding numbers that are pertinent to everyday life. There are several different roads to reaching these numbers.
Another early word for Numerology was Arithmancy or Arithmomancy. This refered specifically to divination made through numbers and the number value of letters.
Fadic Numbers are reached through a person's date of birth and their name.The month -- March = 3 because it is the third month of the year.
The Year -- 1974 = 3 because 1+9+7+4 = 3 when it is added down to one number.
The name -- Candace = 7 because there are 7 numbers in it.
Vertical sequence predictions are taken from the year also, but in a different way.1974 1995 1 1 9 9 7 9 + 4 + 5 1995 20191995, 2019, and so on, would be important years for anyone with this birth date. Whether it would be a good year or not is not known.
The vertical sequence can also be applied individually.
1974 when all the numbers are added together equals 3 1974+3=1977
1977 when all the numbers are added together equals 6 1977+6=1983
1983 when all the numbers are added together equals 3 1983+3=1986
1974 is the year I was born. My sequence falls into a pattern of 3/6/3. Some patterns are more complicated.
1975 when all the numbers are added together equals 4 1975+4=1979
1979 when all the numbers are added together equals 8 1979+8=1987
1987 when all the numbers are added together equals 7 1987+7=1994
This pattern, my sister's, continues 4/8/7/5/1/2/4. Her pattern does not begin to repeat itself until the year 2002.
The Birth number can be reached by taking the Fadic Month number and the Fadic Year number as well as the day of birth and adding these numbers together. Also called the life lesson number, it represents the special lesson a person must learn in their life time. Reincarnation is the principle behind the Birth number. With each life, their is a new lesson to learn.
March 3, 1974 would have a value of 9.
Other numbers can be reached through manipulation of the name. The fadic number for the name Candace is 7. If each of the letters of the name are given a different number value, a different number is reached.
Agrippan Method
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZChaldean Method
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E U O F I K G M H V Z P J R L T N W Q S X YThree different numbers, the Heart number, the Personality number, and the Vocation number, can all be reached through the manipulation of the name.
The Heart number is reached by assigning a number to each vowel of your given name. If you have a middle name this can be added in also, but if you do not ordinarily use it, it can be left out. The Heart number represents the innermost, private personality and indicates one's ideal and wishes.
The Personality number is reached by assigning a number to all the consonant letters in a your given name. This is the face you present to the outside world.
The Vocation number is reached by adding both the Heart number and the Personality number together. This number shows the kind of work you would be best suited to.
1 1 5 9 5 =3 CANDACE MCBRIDE 3 54 3 4329 4 =1Another number can be reached by adding your vocation number, your birth number, the number of the present date. This is called your Day number, and obviously, it would change from day to day.
In addition to being an interesting way to find numbers for playing the lottery, the numbers reached through numerology can also be used for divination.
The day number, because it changes each day, is best for daily divination of how the day will go.