A Dreamer's Guide : Jab to Justice

If you felt or were given a Jab, you are injuring your chances by underestimating yourself, but if you jabbed someone else, guard against a tendency to be overaggressive.

A Jacaranda tree is a sign of growing contentment.

An automobile Jack indicates a sudden relief from a heavy burden or an improvement of conditions. A Jack of clubs is a sign of a good friend, while a Jack of hearts is a symbol of a true love. An enemy is near if you dreamt of a Jack of spades, and a Jack of diamonds signifies a false friend.

A Jackal is a warning to protect yourself from over persuasive friends with ambitious plans. Financial gains are foretold by a yellow jackal, and children with a jackal means you have one loyal friend.

A Jackass predicts much business ahead. If you owned one, you will have a disagreement with a best friend, and chasing one means some scandal is being spread about you. A braying jackass indicates disgrace, and removing one from a barn means the end of a love affair.

Ill health and quarrels are indicated by a Jackdaw, but if you caught one, you will either outwit enemies or soon marry. You will come into possession of disputed property if you killed one. A poor harvest is foretold by a jackdaw in a cage.

Infirmity is signified by a dark Jacket, and wearing a sport jacket means financial gain. You will be deceived if you wore an evening jacket, and a house jacket means infidelity. Luck and prosperity is foretold by a waiter’s jacket.

If you won a Jackpot be prepared for a period of hard work with meager rewards. If someone else won however, you can expect to gain something you want with less effort than you anticipated.

Prosperity and protection from adversity is augured by Jade. Jade earrings foretell unexpected news, and a necklace indicates a marriage which will last forever.

Jail is an obstacle dream. If you escaped or were released, your difficulties will only be short term, otherwise expect trouble of a longer duration. Freedom from worry is promised if others were imprisoned.

Treachery will harm your interests if you saw a Jailer.

Any type of Jam in movement refers to a delay which will eventually give way with intelligent effort. Making, eating, or serving jam forecasts happy domestic times. Eating it denotes pleasant surprises and journeys, while making it foretell a happy home and appreciative friends.

Being or seeing a Janitor is a portent of additional responsibilities which may seem onerous at first but which will prove beneficial. If you looked for a janitor and could not find him, petty annoyances will destroy your calm.

Dreaming of January outside of that month is an omen of a solution to some perplexing problem or mystery. A false friend is near if you dreamt of being born in January.

Jars predict pleasant social affairs. If they were empty, it foretells poverty and distress, while broken jars indicates sickness or deep disappointment. Buying jars means a precarious success and heavy burdens. A jar full of candy means your worries will be soothed away.

Jasmine is an augury of success in romantic or personal affairs. One loyal friend is indicated by a bouquet of jasmine.

Jasper is a portent of success and love. If you lost a jasper, you will disagree with your lover.

Jaundice is an omen of prosperity after embarrassment. If others were ill, unpleasant companions and discouraging prospects will cause you worry.

Defending yourself with a Javelin means your most private affairs will be searched over to establish claims of dishonesty. You will prove your innocence only after many trials. Enemies will succeed against you only if you were injured by one. Your interests are under threat if you saw someone carrying a javelin.

Any type of pain or problem with your Jaws is an indication of malicious gossip against you which could damage your standing with those you hold in high esteem. Fight back. Financial gain through outside help is foretold by the jaws of others. Seeing or being in the grip of the jaws of a monster means a misunderstanding which could lead to a broken friendship.

Pleasant visits from friends and interesting gossips are foretold by Jays. If you caught one, you will have pleasant, though fruitless, tasks. A dead jay indicates unhappiness, and a jay in a cage means a poor harvest.

If you were Jaywalking or saw someone else doing so, dismiss some foolish action you are contemplating.

Hearing Jazz is a warning to against getting involved in social or community affairs which are beyond your means.

Jealousy indicates troubles in your personal, romantic, and business affairs. Be prepared for unpleasant news. If someone was jealous of you, some overt hostility directed at you will eventually turn out in your favor. The influence of enemies is denoted by jealousy directed at your spouse.

If you were Jeered in a dream you will eventually triumph over those standing against you. If you were jeering or were aware of others being jeered, you should be less controversial or your lack of diplomacy could get you into serious trouble.

Jelly or Jello or any gelatinous substance is a symbol of gloom or depression due to the loss of a friend or the exposure of something you wish would stay hidden. If you ate it however, this augury is reversed. Making jelly indicates pleasant reunions with friends, and having jelly is a sure sign of a long life.

Jellyfish signify problems created through false pretenses. It is better to be yourself. If you possessed jellyfish, be careful with your heart, and if others had them, your success may be postponed.

Loneliness and trouble is signified if you felt yourself in some kind of Jeopardy. Financial gain is indicated by children in jeopardy, while friends or enemies in danger point to a disaster ahead. Immediate success in love is presaged if your love was in jeopardy.

A dream of Jerusalem augurs loneliness and bitterness. If you dreamed of traveling to Jerusalem, you will make a long journey, and actually being there means you will have dignity and power.

Jet (the stone) is a portent of sad news, though not necessarily something which will make you grieve. It may also indicate danger ahead. If others handled it, a change is in the air. An adornment made of jet means you will have to suffer through your own foolishness.

A Jester means you will ignore important things for frivolous interests.

Money is on the way if you were on a Jetty extended into a harbor, and others on a jetty means changes in your life soon. You will travel to another country if relatives were on a jetty. If someone fell from a jetty, you are being deceived.

Being in the company of a Jewish person is a sign of untiring ambition. Any type of transaction with a Jewish person indicates a prosperous legal triumph. If you argued with one, your business reputation is in danger. Marriage to a Jewish person means welcome guests are on their way.

Real Jewelry is a fortunate augury for your current interests, but costume jewelry is a warning of danger through vanity. Stealing jewelry indicates extra caution needed in business, while losing it symbolizes an obstacle overcome only if you managed to find it again. If you wore it, this is a warning against impulsive behavior or shady transactions. Broken jewelry is a sign of disappointment in attaining what you desire.

Jewels are a symbol of pleasure and riches, and wearing them brings rank and satisfaction. If others wore them, distinguished places will be held by you or close friends. Finding jewels denotes rapid advancement, but giving them away means you are unconsciously working against yourself. Jeweled clothing augurs rare good fortune for the dreamer. Inheritance and speculation will take you to high positions. Inheriting jewelry indicates unusual though not entirely satisfying prosperity.

Playing a Jew’s Harp indicates foreign travel or visitors from a foreign country in the near future. If you saw or heard one, good business news or a welcome change of circumstances is presaged.

You will soon have the opportunity for light-hearted fun if you dreamt of dancing the Jig by yourself. Dancing with a partner however is a warning against overindulgence in sexual activity. Others dancing means you are too easy with your money, and so are in danger of having your generosity abused. If you saw your love dancing a jig, your companion will be full of joy and hope.

Ballet girls dancing a jig signifies undignified amusements and low desires, while black folk dancing a jig indicates foolish worries will disrupt your pleasure. Be careful not to cause jealousy if you saw a married woman dancing, and to see a young girl dancing a jig is a sign of engagement. A change in life will come soon if you saw a woman dancing with a man.

Something which Jiggles is an indication of some instablity.

A Jig-saw presages a need to cut corners.

There is a problem in your life if you dreamt of a Jigsaw Puzzle The act of putting it together may actually help your work through the problem.

You will be satisfied with your love successes or have consistency in your marriage if you were Jilted in your dream. A married man will be happy in his marriage, and a widower jilted by a single woman will gain financially. An unmarried man will have luck with the ladies after being jilted in a dream. A married woman who jilts a secret lover will have cause to worry in her love life, and an unmarried woman who jilts a lover will be unhappy.

Jimsonweed symbolizes duality or polarity in your life. It indicates something which may have a positive or negative effect, depending upon how it’s used.

Reciting a Jingle, or hearing one spoken, signifies harmless flirtation. The sound of small bells is a forecast of happy social calls, but the jingle of money is a prediction of small financial losses. An engagement is imminent if you heard a dog’s bell, and cattle bells are a sign of amusement. You will realize your high ambitions if you heard sleigh bells. The sound of jingling may simply be a call to pay attention to something which you are currently ignoring.

If you believed you or someone was Jinxed, you are mislaying responsibility for something.

Dancing the Jitterbug indicates a lack of direction.

Seeking a Job or losing one is indicative of a promotion or some other beneficial event. Being offered a job however, is a warning to pay closer attention to your responsibilities.

If you dreamt of a Jockey, be on guard against treachery. A gift may come from an unexpected source. Money will come to you easily if you saw a jockey win a race, but if he lost, you will be cheated by friends. A jockey racing at full speed indicates an unexpected proposal. If you saw a jockey thrown from his horse, strangers will call upon you for assistance.

A change for the better is in store if your own Joints ached. If your leg joints hurt, you will be happy.

You will enjoy good humor if you told a Joke, but hearing a funny joke heralds misery due to a disagreement with a friend of a social gaffe. You will make a profit if you told a dirty joke, and hearing children tell jokes means your unhappiness with be consoled. You will be afflicted with some malady if you told a very funny joke.

People will take advantage of you if you saw a Joker, and if you were a joker, light company will bring you no good. It is a suitable time to pursue marriage if a joker was used in a deck of cards, and if it was not used, you may lose money.

If you were Jolly, people are moving to cause you harm. If you were too jolly, you will lose lots of money. Use caution in speculation if you saw others being jolly at some gathering.

Dreaming of a Jonquil is a great sign for your sex life.

A pleasant Journey promises profits, and an unpleasant one is indicative if disappointments. You will overcome your obstacles if you went by horseback, but if you walked, hard work is ahead. Taking a trip by carriage or car means abundance, and a journey by boat indicated accord among friends. A plane trip augurs family quarrels. If the journey was long or the road was rough, you will avoid unpleasantness, but if the weather was stormy, be careful in your affairs. You will soon marry if you went armed, and if it was a sword, you will be married in a month. A change for the better is presaged by relatives on a trip, and if your enemies were traveling, it indicates their failure to due you harm. A journey with children assures you happiness.

A Journeyman is a sign of lost money through useless travel.

Heavy or pendulous Jowls warning of a relative or associate who will try to run roughshod over you.

Joy in a dream means you will receive bad news, unless you were overwhelmed by joy, in which case, expect good health. Good times are ahead if children were joyful. Vindictive joy is an omen that you will be called on to pay for past misdeeds.

You will either marry early in life or you will participate in pleasurable enterprises if you dreamt of a Jubilee. A rich relative may leave you a fortune if you attended a jubilee.

A dream of Judas is a warning to be cautious in accepting new friends.

A Judge is a sign of trouble, trials, and thankless tasks. If you were a judge however, your troubles will only be temporary. Being summoned before a judge means trouble and sorrow, but if he took your side, things will come out well.

Full Jugs indicate good friends, and drinking from a jug is a prediction of happiness and health. A broken jug means an influential new friend or exciting romance.

You will be dubious over some easy opportunity or offer of advancement if you dreamt of Juggling, but do not hesitate. A juggler is a warning to beware of enemies, especially if he was entertaining others. Being taught tricks by a juggler means abundance will be yours.

Financial help will be forthcoming if you drank Juice, while serving it means someone will surprise you with a request for a loan.

Be cautious in accepting new offers if you dreamt it was July when it was not. You will have rapid success in your hopes if you were born in July, and you will have good earnings if children were born in july.

Jumping is a sign that you will overcome your trials and tribulations through hard work and perseverance. Jumping down from something indicates reckless speculation and disappointment in love. Jumping Jacks are an omen of trivial pursuits and pastimes which occupy your mind to the exclusion of all else.

A dream of June when it is not indicates a new romance, and if you are already taken, someone close will find someone. If you dreamt you were born in June, you should rely on your own judgment, and children born in June mean your high ambitions will be realized.

Guard your resources if you dreamed of a Jungle. Be wary of becoming entangled in someone else’s financial problems. Walking through a jungle indicates foolish romantic entanglements. Killing a wild animal in a jungle is a sign of loyal friends. Others in a jungle indicate the recovery of lost valuables.

Juniper is a symbol of danger through treachery. If you cut it down or it was in poor condition, it is an omen of good luck. Picking or eating juniper berries is an augury of undesirable companions who could cause you trouble. If you are sick, a juniper tree foretells your speedy recovery.

Junk seen in a shop or elsewhere is a prediction of perplexing choices.

Recognition and prestige from those whose opinion you value is foretold by a Jury. If you served on a jury however, you should rely more on your own intuition and less on the opinions of others in making important decisions. It also means dissatisfaction with your employers.

Seeing the goddess of Justice is a sign that though you may be forced to endure undue criticism from time to time, a successful future will ultimately be yours. If someone demanded justice from you, your conduct and reputation will be criticized, and if you demanded justice, false statements will cause you embarrassment. A jury announcing their verdict is a sing of change for the better.