The Magi's Garden : Barley

Barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Folk Names: Pearl Barley (hulled), Perlatum, Scotch Barley, Six-Rowed Barley; H. distichun- Two-Rowed Barley

Description: Barley, a member of the grass family, may be an annual or perennial depending upon where it is grown. It is a widely cultivated grain. The stout, simple stem (culm) is hollow, growing from one and one-half to three feet. The narrow tapering leaves ascend stem in two ranks, the third leaf over the first. The bases of the leaves form lose sheaths around the stem. The flowers form a bristly-bearded, terminal spike. The grains are elliptic and furrowed.

Effects: gentle
Planet: Venus, Saturn Zodiac Virgo
Element: Earth
Associated Deities: Ceres/Demeter, Cronus, Rgl (Russian god)

Barley seeds have been found in tombs of ancient Asia Minor dating from around 5300 BCE. The ancient Greek cult on the Peloponnisus Peninsula sacrificed barley and humans to Cronus and the Barley Mother. Barley was the chief grain for making bread in Europe until the introduction of wheat and rye.

German dwarf is considered a shape changer. The last sheaf of barley was its hiding place. In some years the sheaf was sacrificed with scythe, while others were carried into the village in a ritualized parade. In Bavaria, barley and other grains were fashioned into the form of a woman as the spirit of the harvest.

Barley water is used in love potions. Scatter the grains on the ground to ward off evil and negativity.

According to Pliny, a man with a boil could use nine grains to heal the eruption. Tracing a circle around the boil three times with each grain, he should then throw them into a fire with the left hand to get rid of it. To get rid of a toothache, barley straw may be wound around stone while visualizing the pain into the stone. Throw the wrapped stone into running water or a river to wash the pain away. P> Known Combinations:
none noted

Medical Indications: Parts Used: grain
Barley water is a skin freshener, demulcent, and astringent. It cleanses and softens normal skin. It is also a good treatment for external sores and tumors.

Barley is a very nutritious grain, a source of enzymes, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, niacin, B6, B2, and protein. It is a healthy food for those suffering from rheumatic and arthritic symptoms due to its high mineral content. Cooked, a mucilaginous substance forms. This is a good source of nutrition for those with throat or stomach problems. It is also good for catarrhal conditions of the respiratory and urinary system. Milk with barley water is soothing to the stomach and intestinal lining. This concoction is also good for infants. The barley water prevents the formation of hard masses of curd in the stomach. It is an excellent recuperative food for fevers.

Mercantile Uses:
In addition to being food for humans, barley is used in livestock feed. Barley is also used to make malt for alcohol.