The Magi's Garden : Be-Still

Be-Still (Thevetia nereifolia)

Folk Names: Trumpet Flower, Yellow Oleander

Description: Native to Argentina, be-still is a large evergreen shrub or small tree of the dogbane family with either peach or lemon yellow trumpet shaped flowers all summer. The large fruit is poisonous. The foliage is a dense and glossy light green.

Associated Deities:


In Sri Lanka, the seeds of be-still are considered "lucky beans" and worn as talismans to attract luck.

Known Combinations:
none known

Medical Indications: Parts Used : Do not ingest this plant!
The seeds of Be-still yield a potentially poisonous crystalline cardiac glycoside called digitalose. Poisoning causes symptoms of drowsiness, sleep, nausea, and vomiting.

Do not eat this plant, ever.

Mercantile Uses:
None aside from landscaping.