The Magi's Garden : Celery

Celery (Apium graveolens)
Folk Names: Marsh Parsley, Smallage, Wild Celery

Description: Celery is a biennial which grows wild in wet, salty soils, swamps, and marshes. It may be found in North and South America and is native to southern Europe and Africa. The fleshy, bulbous root sends up angular, furrowed, branching stems one to three feet tall in the second year. There are two varieties of celery- one with a hollow stalk and one with a solid stalk. The solid stalk is generally the preferred variety to grow. The leaves are opposite, dark green, shiny, pinnate with wedge-shaped leaflets, incised and coarsely toothed. The small white to gray-white flowers grow in paniculate compound umbels from June to November. Small, ribbed, elliptic-ovate gray seeds appear in November.

Effects: strong
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Associated Deities:

Celery has been found in the tomb of Tutankhamen and has been used as a food and spice for as long as records have been kept.

The Romans associated the smaller, wild celery, usually referred to as smallage, with misfortune and death and used it in wreaths.

Celery is used to increase clarity, insight, and divinatory skills Chew celery seeds for concentration and to stop dizziness. They may also be burnt before spellcasting to increase concentration. Use the seeds in a dream pillow to induce sleep.

The stalk and seeds induce lust when eaten, and the oil from the root is said to treat impotence.

Known Combinations:
Burn the seeds with Orris root to increase psychic powers.

Medical Indications: (Caution: Celery is a strong diuretic, not to be used if kidney problem exists. Do not use large amounts during pregnancy.) Parts Used: root, leaves, seed, juice
The celery plant is an antioxidant, appetizer, diuretic, and emmenagogue, while the seeds are carminative, anti-fungal, and sedative. The juice (especially from young petioles) is effective for dropsy, rheumatism, gout, obesity, flatulence, chronic pulmonary catarrh, lack of appetite, and deficiency diseases. It reduces blood pressure, relieves muscle spasms, and arthritis. Seeds of celery and flax may be used as a poultice. Celery promotes menstruation and should be taken moderately during pregnancy.

The entire plant is used as food from the roots to the leaves and seeds. The stalks may be eaten raw or added to soups and stews. The seeds are used as seasoning. The leaves may be added to salads, soups, or used in place of parsley for decoration.

Mercantile Uses:
Celery is grown commercially for its use as a food.