Acanthite forms iron-black orthorhombic crystals (rhombic, prismatic, and trimetric). Argentite, from the Latin, argentum, "silver," and Acanthite are terms often used interchangeably. Its softness precludes its used as a gemstone, but it can still be included in spells. The name comes from the Greek, akanta, meaning "arrow,” probably due to the sharpness of its crystals.
The Anglo-Saxons revered it as a protective stone. Many warriors carried in a small, carved bottle to dispel evil and protect them from danger. It was also thought to bring wisdom and foresight. Acanthite is said to bring strength in times of need. It will also assist in the removal of obstacles and provide a feeling of well-being. It is a stone of alteration and beneficial change. Shy and self-conscious people can use this stone to come out of their shell.