Coral comes in a wide variety of colors, but red and red tones have always been most popular. Red is for stimulation and health, destroying bad energy, and pink is used to sooth the mind. Deep orange coral is thought to help release pent-up energies. White stabilizes, gray harmonizes. Black coral absorbs, and many cultures consider it bad luck. It is said black coral has the ability to absorb and hold the negativity and limitations present in the mind of the wearer. It is often kept in shaman bags however.
According to legend, red coral first formed from the blood of Medusa as her severed head was flown over the ocean. Moonlight was said to strengthen coral. According to tradition, the redder the piece, the more potent its power, and the pieces should always be worn unpolished, not shaped into bead form. Should a piece break while in use, it is thought that its power has also broken or that it gave up its power in defense of its owner.
The Romans gave red coral to their children to protect them from danger, disease, and the evil eye. As a gauge of illness, it was said that coral would turn pale when its wearer was ill and regain its color only when its owner did. For its association with bones, it was even used in teething and rubbed against the gums. Red coral also assists in cases of female sterility and was worn by newly weds for this purpose. Red or white pieces are said to calm tempests and allow travelers to cross broad rivers in safety. Lore also described its ability to staunch wounds, cure violet madness, and give wisdom and courage. To bring luck to the home, the coral should be held and moved in a clockwise direction, touching it to every door and window, before placing it in a prominent position in your home.
Coral helps the skeletal and circulatory system. It also benefits the cleansing organs and thymus gland. It is especially beneficial in fighting mental illness. All signs would benefit from wearing this stone. Artists, lecturers, and farmers will find coral especially helpful. As the skeleton of a colony of marine animals, people whose professions deal with bones and bone health would also benefit. This includes athletes, chiropractors, osteopaths, and dentists.