Moonstones (Adularia Orthoclase - potassium aluminum silicate, or Albite Plagioclase – sodium aluminum silicate) are found in conjunction with deposits of feldspar, mainly in Ceylon and Brazil. Though the name refers to two different feldspars, both are chatoyant stones with a milky sheen. Moonstones may be white, blue white, cream-yellow, brown, green, or pale yellow-pink with shades like peach and apricot.
The Greeks called moonstone Aphroselene in honor of the moon goddess, Selene, and the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. In India, moonstone is sacred to lovers. Indian gem merchants will display it only on yellow cloth, a sacred color. Up until the 19th century, moonstone was thought to make its wearer invisible, rendering them like a spirit.
As the name implies, the moonstone is thought to mimic qualities and characteristics of the moon. Intuitive thinking and emotional thought are emphasized by moonstone. Moonstones are reflective and balancing, emphasizing introspection. Emotional tension and negativity are cleansed from the chakras. The moonstone allows the user to go with the ups and downs of life gracefully. The female side of one’s nature is enhanced by the use of moonstone.
It is especially related to new endeavors, and "wish" magic when they pertain to needs, not wants. Once called the “traveler’s Stone,” moonstone is useful for protection when traveling, especially over water, and is a talisman of good luck. Modern mystics assert that it is helpful in stimulating astral travel. Kept in the mouth during a full moon, this stone is said to confer prophetic ability in India. In Europe however, moonstone was said to foretell the future only during the waning moon. Hung on a fruit tree, the stone is said to increase the tree’s yield. Lovers parted in anger may be reunited by moonstone.
As a pendulum or simply held by the patient, moonstone may be helpful in diagnosing problem areas. It allows for attunement with the normal rhythms of the body so that one can adjust accordingly. Moonstones can be sustaining in the face of degenerative conditions, especially in the skin, hair, eyes, and organs. It assists in the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of toxins, especially as effected by the digestive and cleaning systems. Every aspect of the female reproductive system, including an easier childbirth, is affected by moonstone. It enhances fertility and mediates PMS and menopause.
* Moonstone should be cleansed occasionally.