Petrified wood is ancient wood whose organic cellulose has gradually been replaced by other minerals, usually agate or opal and quartz. Petrified wood may come from all kinds of trees and palms (petrified root or palm root). In some larger specimens, you can even see old growth rings. See also Ammonite.
Petrified wood has been put to use in meditation to access past lives. It is also helpful in gaining insight on your present life and life lessons. You may use it to get in touch with earth, and for alignment and grounding. Keeping a piece of petrified wood with you at work is a good way to prevent working stress. Petty annoyances and worries may be laid to rest with the use of this mineralized wood. You will see what you can change and stop worrying about the rest. It helps you attain personal growth to the highest level you are capable of in this incarnation.
Native American medicine men carried pieces of petrified wood against infection and bodily injury. Present crystal mystics claim it may be used in the treatment of atrophied portions of body, paralysis, and similar problems. It may be used to strengthen the back, for hearing loss, incontinence, the eliminate offensive odors in your environment.