Rutile, titanium oxide, is a reddish brown to black opaque stone with a metallic luster. Rutile is often added to synthetic ruby and sapphire during growth to create star forms of these gems, and it has been produced in clear transparent crystals and sold as a substitute for diamond (popular mostly in the 40s and 50s). While synthetic rutile his more fire than diamonds, but has a yellowish tinge and is softer. Synthetic rutile has been called Capra, Diamothyst, Lusterite, Meredith, Rutania, Sapphirized titania, Star-tania, Tania-59, Titania Midnight stone, Ultimate, and Gava, Java, Johannes, Kenya, Kima, Kimberlite, Rainbow, Sierra, Tirum, Titan, or Zaba Gem.
Rutile also occurs as shiny, elongated, needle-like or hair-like crystals included in other minerals, most commonly quartz. Rutile quartz has been called Maiden Hair, Venus Hair Stone, Cupid’s Arrows, and Sagenite. I have a lovely piece that’s naturally shaped like a rough heart with bits of rutile that reminded me of straw caught in ice. It is a common stone, easily found and inexpensive.
Many qualities have been attributed to rutile quartz. It is said to quell fears and ease depression. Rutile quartz is also said to reverse aging. It is an excellent gem for meditation on female themes, and is a beautiful natural symbol of the goddess.
Rutile may be used for healing and balancing the aura, repelling negative energies and interference. It affects the physical, etheric, and astral bodies. All relationships and partnerships are strengthened through its presence. Mental processes are sharpened and emotional and physical imbalances are relieved. It may be used during astral travel to reveal the reasons for places and things visited while OOB.