The Power of Stones : Sunstone

Sunstone is a type of feldspar which ranges in color from gray, green, brown, and yellow to orange, pink, peach, and red. It usually shows brilliant inflections of gold due to the inclusion of goethite or hematite.

Canadian Indians use sunstone in their medicine wheel as a symbol of the sun, and in ancient Greece it was sacred to the sun god. In Greece, it was said to bring life and abundance to those who wore it. It was often used in ornamental goblets and was thought to neutralize poisons and increase strength. In ancient India, sunstone was thought to offer protection against otherworldly destructive forces.

Sunstone may be used to both clear and energize the chakras. It is also useful for removing energy draining astral bonds which others may have formed with you. Stress and nervousness are relieved to increase vitality and encourage independence. It has been called a lucky charm in games of chance.