The Power of Stones : Tektite

Like Moldavite, tektite is extraterrestrial glass. That is, they have a non-terrestrial origin, though it is not clear whether they fell to earth with meteors or were formed upon impact. Some go so far as to suggest that tektites are actually pieces of the moon or even mars. Though they are technically glass, the temperature needed to melt them is two hundred degrees higher than is needed to fuse Pyrex glass. The name comes from the Greek word for “molten.” They are usually black or brownish lumps of fused nodules.

Tektite found in different areas is called by different names. Texas tektite is bediasite, and Borneo tektite is billitonite. Australite is Australian tektite, and of course moldavite is tektite from Czechoslovakia.

Tektites hinder lasting impressions of undesirable knowledge and experiences, but does not let one forget any lessons learned. In the Orient and Polynesia, it is a talisman of great power said to bring wealth and fertility to all activities. Carry one on your person to strengthen your energy field. It may also attract members of the opposite sex who are in tune with your own energies.