A Who's Who of World Mythology : Atius Tirawa

According to Pawnee mythology, Atius Tirawa (Tirawa Atius or Tirawa) is the Creator and “father spirit.” He is embodied in storms, and lightning is the flash of his eyes. He is an intangible, omnipotent spirit, saturating the universe with his being. Everything that occurs depends upon his will. All things depend upon him, and the Pawnee medicine men would invoke him in rituals. He can bring good luck or bad; give success or failure. It is said that he attempted to destroy the world with fire, which only the Flood prevented. He brought knowledge of fire, religious use of tobacco, tattooing, hunting and agriculture, and sacrifice.

Tirawa is also known as the 'arch of Heaven'. He created the sun, moon, and stars and dictated their paths, giving each of them part of his power. He ordered the Sun and Moon to marry, and their child was the first man. The Morning Star and Evening Star also married by his instruction, and their child was the first woman.