A Who's Who of World Mythology : Atri

Atri is one of the seven great Rishis according to Vedic myth. They are sometimes identified with the seven stars of Ursa Major. The Rishis or Prajapratis were created from the mind of Brahma. Atri is the senior most amongst the Rishi. His wife Mahasati Anasuya was the daughter of the highly devoted and pious couple, Kardam and Devahuti.

Atri and his wife Anasuya wanted their son to be an incarnation of Nirguna Parabrahma (the Infinite Supreme). To achieve this, Atri performed tapasya (penance), standing on one leg for one hundred years on the Ruksha Mountain with neither food nor water. Pleased with this feat, the Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh appeared before him to grant his wish.