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Tracing the

RAPTURE doctrine!


       My earnest prayer for anyone who may be reading this is that: When it comes to Bible doctrine, we would bow and vow allegiance to Holy writ, we would lay aside all denomination creeds, degrees and interpretations, especially where we have gained our belief structure in relying on a preacher to interpret the Bible for us (This means that, that means this).  The Bible speaks clearly, but does the hearer have ears to hear?  Does the hearer want to hear the truth?  We who are Christians should never let a man to have more influence over the way we think and live.  God exalted His Word above His name!  Let God be true and every man (including this one, IF it doesn’t agree with the Spirit and the Word) a liar!


Is the “RAPTURE of the Church” an ancient landmark or a new doctrine?


      Some influential preachers teach as though “the RAPTURE of the Church”, (particularly BEFORE the 7 year tribulation), was a new doctrine.  And in trying to persuade their followers to believe what they believe, they present a book, not the entirety of Scripture rightfully divided, but a book by a man named, “Mcpherson”,           whose diligent study traces the “Rapture doctrine” back to the 1830’s, saying that it  started in a praying meeting when a woman gave a prophecy and said she saw two appearings of Christ. (The Rapture & the 2nd Advent of Christ)

It sounds good enough for someone who wants to reinforce THEIR denominational doctrines to stop right there, but in all actuality, it doesn’t hold water!!! because if he or anyone else would look a little father in their history study you’ll find out that…


·        A Catholic Jesuit in 1810 gave similar statements to a secret coming of Jesus before the tribulation.


·        In 1700’s, a scholar in Britain wrote of 2 different comings of Christ, one for His Bride, the other for executing judgment.


·        Early church father Eprahim the Syrian between 3-4 century wrote “The cave of the treasures” and he wrote a treatise on the antichrist; and specifically said the body of Christ the church will be taken up Prior to the 7 year tribulation!


·        110 A.D.   15 years after John wrote the book of Revelation-  Shepherd of hermas-  brother to the bishop at the Christian church at Rome talked about how if this virgin would be faithful that she would escape the wrath and the judgment that would come upon the earth!


·        And of course, Holy Writ:  2 Thess 2:1-12; Lk 21:34; Jn 14:1-3; 1 Cor 15:51-56; Eph 5:25-27; Phil 3:11, 20-21; 2 Cor 5:1-9; 1 Thess 4:13-18;2:19;3:13;5:9,23; Col 3:4;1 Jn 2:28; 3:2; 1Pet 5:4; James 5:7-8, etc




There are 3 other major points I would like you to take into consideration before you agree or disagree that the Bible teaches a catching away (Rapture) of the church BEFORE the 7 year tribulation!


#1  What would it have been like to be in the 1st century before Jesus and hear a teaching going around saying that the Messiah would come first to die and rise again; and then come again a second time to reign as King!  The religious crowd of the day would have condemned it, call you a heretic, and would have stoned you!!!  But yet it happened according to the Scriptures!!!  According to Bible prophecy!!!   The religious crowd didn’t see it when they read and couldn’t see it even when He was right there in their face!!!  But the heart-seekers of God saw it and received the truth according to the Scriptures!


#2  Was the doctrine of Justification by faith “a new doctrine that Martin Luther started in the dark ages igniting the protestant reformation, or was it in the Bible all the time  but now revived by the Spirit in heart-seekers of God who saw it and received the love of the truth according to the ScripturesTruth doesn’t become a lie because it lays doormat!!!  The truth lays doormat because the love of many waxes cold, people get dull of hearing, hearts don’t seek after God to know Him and to know His ways!!!   We are in the greatest time of Bible prophecy and understanding!!!  The Church is in the greatest time to testify of the Lord’s Christ, the Lord’s salvation!!!  Will you receive the love of the truth or will you forbear???


#3 It has been stated by preachers who teach against a Pre-Tribulation Rapture that the doctrine of it "teaches people to live loosely, ungodly and unholy". Which really IS NOT the case when the Bible declares,
"And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." -I Jn 3:3
And causes people to watchful, sober, vigilant:
"And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." -Luke 21:34-36
"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:" -Heb 12:14

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture doctrine does in no wise advocate, promote, support, endorse anyone to live loosely ungodly or unholy; certain men crept in unawares do that, childishness, ignorance and rebellion does that! Likewise the genuiness of the gifts of the Spirit were not disqualified by the apostle Paul because there were foolish, childish, self serving people misusing them. No, the gifts are real! But Paul had to put them in spiritual order!

He that hath ears to hear...
Let him hear!!!

To "The Rapture" Study:Wrath of God