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Daniel's 70th week
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Daniel’s 70th Week

To understand the books of Daniel and Revelation and related scriptures such as Mt 24-25; Mk 13; Lk 21; 2 Thes 2, and especially to understand the time of the RAPTURE and the second advent, one must clearly understand the 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24-27. Without doubt, all the above scriptures will be fulfilled during the last 7 years of this age known as “Daniel’s 70th week.” It must be understood, if we want clear truth, that Israel, and not the church, is the one dealt with in the 70th week, for Israel only was the one dealt with in the first 69 weeks. All the 69 weeks were literally fulfilled with Israel before the church began. Not once was the New Testament church mentioned in their fulfillment (Dan 9:24-26), and not once is the church mentioned as being on earth during the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9:27; Mt 24:15-31; Lk 21:25-36 and Rev 4:1-19:21. The New Testament church was not yet made and ratified by the blood of Jesus Christ (Mt 26:28) until the end of the 69th week when the Messiah was cut off and crucified (Dan 9:26). The future 70th week will not and cannot begin until the New Testament church is raptured and God again begins to deal with “thy people (Israel), and thy holy city (Jerusalem)” to do 6 things with them as listed below.

Any involvement of Gentiles in the 70th week will be their seeking to exterminate both Israel and Jerusalem from the earth. In fact, this will be the sole purpose of the nations who will come against Israel and Jerusalem at the battle of Armageddon (Isa 63; Ezek 38-39; Joel 2-3; Zech 14; Rev 19:11-21). At the return of Christ to the earth anti-Semitism will be banished from men forever (Isa 2:1-4; Zech 8:23; 14:16-21). All activity of the New Testament church will end before the 70th week begins!!!

Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Dan 9:24-27)

The expression of seventy weeks literally means seventy sevens of years.  If days were meant it would be so expressed as in Daniel 10:3.  Daniel’s prayer, to which this vision was an answer, did not concern days, but years (Dan 9:2).  Then, too, we know from scripture that the last week (Dan 9:27) is divided into two parts of 3½ years each (Dan 7:25;12:7; Rev 11:2,3;12:5,14; 13:5).  The whole period of “seventy weeks” is 490 years which are determined or marked off from all other years and concern only “thy people (Israel) and thy holy city (Jerusalem),” for which Daniel was praying (Dan 6:10; 9:1-23). 

    There are 6 prophetic events to take place during these 490 years relative to Israel and Jerusalem, for 6 purposes:

1.    To finish the transgression.  The Hebrew word for “transgression” here is “pasha.”  It means to revolt, rebel, or sin against lawful authority.  It is often translated “transgression” (Ps 51:13; Isa 43:27; etc.).  This transgression has reference to Israel in her rebellion against God.  This prophecy foretells the culmination of that rebellion.  The law was added because of transgression until the seed should come, and it served as a schoolmaster to lead Israel to Christ (Gal 3:17-25).  Israel failed to receive their Messiah so they were broken off in unbelief from God’s favor as a nation.  They will not be received again fully until the second coming of Christ, who will “turn ungodliness from Jacob” and cause a nation to be born at once (Rom 11:25-29; Isa 66:7-10; Ezek 36:24-30; Zech 12:10-13:1).

2.    To make an end of sins.  Israel’s sins, if collected in the form of concrete matter, would fill the whole earth; for she has been in rebellion against God from her beginning  and she will be until the fulfillment of this prophecy  at the return of Christ.  This “end of sins” will not be made until after the tribulation, but from that time on Israel will obey God forever (Ezek 36:24-30; 37:24-27; 43:7; Zech 14:1-21).

3.    To make reconciliation (atonement) for iniquity.   The Hebrew word for “iniquity” is “avon” and means perverseness, to be crooked, or wrung out of course (1 Sam 20:30; 2 Sam 19:19; Job 33:37).  Atonement was made on the cross for the whole world, but Israel as a nation has not yet appropriated its benefits and will not do so until the return of Christ (Zech 13:1-7; Rom 11:25-27; Isa 66:7-8).

4.    To bring in everlasting righteousness.   When the transgression has been finished , an end of sins made, and the full benefits of the atonement  will have been realized by Israel, then everlasting righteousness will be ushered in (Isa 9:6,7; 12:1-6; Dan 7:13,14,18,27; Mt 25:31-46; Ezek 43:7; Rom 11:25-29).

5.    To seal up the vision and prophecy.  This means to make an end of certain prophecies concerning Israel and Jerusalem.  The word “prophecy” should be translated “prophet” as elsewhere.  It means that there will be no further need  of inspired men to rebuke Israel in an attempt to lead them into the way of righteousness “for all shall know the Lord from the least unto the greatest” (Jer 31:31-40; Isa 11:9).

6.    To anoint the most Holy.  This refers to the cleansing of the holy of holies, the temple, and the city of Jerusalem from the abomination of desolation and the sacrilege of Gentiles, and to the establishment and anointing of the Millennial temple of Ezek 40-43, which is yet to be built.



Jeremiah 30:5-7

5  For thus saith the LORD; We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace.

6  Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness?

7  Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.


Study is taken from the book "Revelation Expounded" by brotherFinis Dake


NEXT PART:The Last Trump!

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