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All about Me

My name is Margret MacFarlane This is my first attempt at a web page so I hope it goes over well. I am playing at the SCA and this whole page will be nothing but, pictures of my travels; camping, taverns, feasts and the like. I belong to the Shire of Cragmere residing in An Tir. My life in the SCA is not even a year old yet so with patience this should prove to be an interesting site.


Well, what a difference a year makes. I just recently documented my name to Scots-Gaelic. I'm now known as Mairghead inghean Pharlain (pronounced MAR-aid EEN-yen FAR-lan) I've added a few pictures to the gallery since I started but, not much has changed from the beginning. The whole web page is dedicated to my life in the SCA which has just about become my LIFE. I was nominated for and now hold the Chatelaine office for my local branch, still the Shire of Cragmere. M'lord Verner has talked of moving to the big Barony of LionsGate but, so far it's just his wishfull thinking. I'm planning to add a "Project" site to this page and extend Verners' page, as he is now a member of the infamous House Ravenspeak. As you may know he's been wanting this for sometime. I've been most honored to call the members, of House Ravenspeak, friends and wish to help out the members in way I can. I just happen to live with one now.


Well another year has past and guess what, he went and did it. Verner went to the big city. I guess small towns weren't enough for a big time Viking raider err, I mean Trader. Now here we are in what is know as LionsGate with so shire to call my own. It's so big over here that we would rather just come home to Cragmere than to try and find a niche in Lionsgate. I miss not going to events(as I have taken an impromto break from the SCA) I had to take time to get my footing in a job and setting up our new place. I wasn't totally sitting on my laurels. Honestly I don't know of any "Laurels" I could do that with....Umm nevermind. Really I did find somthing to do that was related to the Medieval theme in my life; that I have come to crave. I signed on with The Burnaby Scandinavian Society's Viking Ship Project. Hus Ravenspeak totally got invloved with everything from making oars to costuming, even chain mail. I actually did things I never had thought of getting involved with before. Like making garb for 15 rowers. I'll never do that again. I did make new garb for myself in the progress so I do have somthing to show for all the hard work that went into the event. Check out the Ship Projects siteDigital Norseman.


New page Lord of the Rings Costume Project.


I am turning a new leaf. Last year I quit my job and now I am at school. Returning to school after 10 years hiatus. I am studying Information Techonology and hope to update my website as I learn. Also there is another new page My Journal


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