In my opinion, the Outlaw Immortalz (Outlawz) can become the next great rap group (if they get their act together). I think that they could become as great as the Wutang clan cuz they definitely have the talent and strength in numbers. This however will be a little tough because 2 of their best members, Makaveli and Kadafi, are now dead but I still believe they can do it. Kadafi wuz my favorite Outlaw (after 2pac of course), and I think that with him, the Outlaw Immortalz could have become the greatest rap group ever! I've heard that they have signed with Deathrow and I really don't think that that wuz a wise decision cuz you gotta admit that Deathrow is a sinking ship. But if Deathrow rebuilds itself, then they will be aiight and will be ready to start up the war again agaisnt those BADBOY bitchez!!!! Look for their album to come out in '98 which will be entitled "Retribution". I will try to add more stuff to thiz section. If you would like to send some scanned picz of da Outlawz to me then please email 'em to me I would really appreciate it.
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