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>>>>>This guy is HUGE. Stands pretty tall even for a troll. Only ever saw one runner taller than him and that was beacause the guy was a Giant metavariant.<<<<<


>>>>>Actually, it's not the size that concerns me. The guy's a physical adept. Heard he can do more damage with his fist than with any gun...<<<<<

Neon Antichrist{04-25-57/18:57:24}

>>>>>Slot his fists. The guy's a swordsman as well. Ran into him in a bar down in Redmond. Has two huge katana's, but of course, being a troll and all, he can do just fine with both though, like they were regular swords. Being ambidextrous doesn't hurt him either.<<<<<


>>>>>You guys haven't heard what I've heard though. Rumor has it that Amos was a prisoner of Yomi, the island outside of Japan proper where they dump all their metahumans to die. A literal hell on earth. Anyone who can make it outta Yomi is probably a damn good runner.<<<<<

Tusked Raider{04-25-57/20:45:37}

Street Name: Amos

Real Name: Akira Tetsumo

Occupation: Physical Adept of the Warrior Way/Street Samurai

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Race: Troll

Player: Burt Hopkins

Description: Amos is large even for a troll. Standing at a towering ten feet, five inches tall, Amos' presence practically screams out his insane amount of power. He is incredibly well built, with thick tangles of dark hair tangled in his relatively small horns. His body bears numerous scars, due mostly to theharsh treatment he recieved in Yomi. Most of them he can cover up, save for one horizontal scar starting below his right earlobe and ending at the pit of his neck. Ususally carries two ornate Japanese designed katanas.

Story: Amos was the child of a strange marriage. Born Akira Tesumo, his mother was an African Dignitary and his father was a martial artist and swordsman in Japan around 2033. He and his twin brother grew up in Kobe, Japan and when they were both five, their father began his training. Unlike his brother, Amos had no problem becoming the ideal son of his father. At a young age it became painfully apparent that Amos was Physically Adept. He picked up martial arts quickly, and became an accomplished swordsman at age fourteen. His family was proud to have him as one of their own and he became a well known martial artist in Kobe.

Then tragedy struck. When Amos turned fifteen, he became violently ill and was taken to a Japanese hospital just out of Kobe. His goblinization was a long, drawn out process that took over two days. His father was devastated, as in Japan, metahumanity was a blemish of the family name and of ones personal honor. While Amos was in the hospital, his father fasted and wept while his brother tended to Amos in the hospital day and night. When Amos was discharged, Amos was shocked to discover that he had been disowned, and was to be sent to Yomi immediately.

Although Amos' brother pleaded to his pather not to send Amos off, he ended up arriving in Yomi the next day, finding a literal a hell on earth. He remained there for three months, enduring every cruelty, indignity and horror imaginable. The experience resulted in horrible scarring over most of his chest and one particularly brutal scar along his neck from a strike by another swordsman trapped in Yomi. But soon, Amos was astounded to find that his brother, disguised as an elf, had come to get him off the island.

Amazingly, they escaped due to the help of some of the more rebellious and anarchistic poeple of Tokyo. The million nuyen his brother had siphoned from their father's account hadn't hurt either. Later, Amos and his brother took off for Seattle, where they currently reside, working within the shadow community for prices that would astound you. But the quality of his work is always good...



Cyberware/Bioware: None


Spells/Phys. Ad. Powers:

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