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About the Author

The Story: Burt was born in 1978 in Chester, Pensylvania on a Saturday. He grew up in the mostly forgotten realm of Northern Delaware, where he discovered that he loved to do three things: Draw, write, and roleplay. After graduating high school from William Penn in scenic (?) New Castle, DE, he moved to the Art Institute of Philadelphia campus (or lack thereof). After graduating with a Animation and Media Arts Degree with honors, he moved back to New Castle where he currently resides with no wife and no children, minus a roommate and the bugs from his old apartment building. He programs webpages, creates graphics professionally and writes autobiographies in the third person.

Not only does Burt play and GM Shadowrun 2nd Edition*, he also plays and/or GM's Wraith: the Oblivion, Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse/Wild West**, Cyberpunk 2020***, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying****, Paranoia, Star Wars*****, and whatever else looks cool at the time.

Description: A man with a constant need for coffee. Often seen wandering the streets of Newark looking for the next readily available source of caffeine.

Quote: The Gamesmaster is not God. God is one of my little NPC's.

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* Shadowrun is copyrighted bt FASA Corporation.

** Vampire: the Masquerade, Wraith: the Oblivion, Werewolf: the Apocalypse and Werewolf: Wild West are copyrighted by White Wolf Games

*** Cyberpunk is copyrighted by R. Talsorian Games

**** Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying is trademarked by Hogs Head Games

***** Star Wars: The Role Playing Game and Paranoia are trademarks of what used to be West End Games

****** Aren't you tired of asterixes?