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Cyria Tokage

-----Who is this slitch? I've never heard of her.-----

Iceman {11-09-57/12:31:02}
-----Chances are you haven't seen her either. She's a stealth freak. Likes to use real nasty invisibility spells to sneak up on people.-----
MagicMan {11-10-57/02:02:01}
-----Oooh, I'm scared now. An invisible elf is gonna get me....-----
Shadowman {11-10-57/03:45:52}
-----Watch what you say, she's a coyote shaman. You never know how they'll react...-----
Totemspeaker {11-10-15:03:47:12}
-----All joking aside, I only know that she can sneak and geek. Watch out for that hellblast!
Burnup {11-10-57/07:12:43}

Real Name: Corrine needs to tell me...

Street Name: Cyria Tokage

Race: Elf

Occupation: Coyote Street Shaman

Age: ??? / Sex: F

Description: Rather astute for someone of elven lineage, she stands shorter than the average elf and has light silver hair, a rarity amongst elves. Her slim build and limber reflexes make her almost as mesmerising as her crystal like eyes.

The Story: Corrine needs to tell me...

The Statistics:


Spells: Improved Invisibility(6), Manaball(6), Mind Probe(5), Heal(6), Flamethrower(6), +2 Initiative(6), Stink(6), Levitate Item(4), Barrier(3)

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