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Factual Data: Delaware 2060

-----For the benefit of the page, I've placed all of the postings pertaining to Delaware Law at the bottom of the page for easier reading of the laws. Also included here are "official statistics" on the state itself, that is if you trust the UCAS guvmmint to give you the whole story on what it thinks lies within the state...-----

Population (At Last Census (2052): 756,792

Capital: Dover,

Counties: New Castle, Kent, Sussex

Major Cities: Wilmington, Dover

Major Exports: Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Synthetics


Delaware is located in the middle of the East Coast, and is approximately 96 miles in length, and anywhere from 9 to 16 miles wide. Delaware has no mountains, with only a slight rise above sea level, the highest rise located in the northeastern corner in the Piedmonts. The rest of Delaware is a gentle plain. The Delaware Bay is located in the southen county of Sussex, covering a small area of land north and south along the Shore Points. It is bordered by the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland

Getting In

By Air

Delaware has only one airport large enough to handle large jets and cargo planes, and it belongs to the U.C.A.S. Federal Government. D.A.F.B. (See earlier in the post, DE SysOp) is a federally run airstrip, capable of supporting everything from lightweight scout planes, to VTOL craft, to the old Galaxy Class planes from the 20th Century

Another Airstrip does exist, the New Castle County Airport, but it is only capable of supporting small commercial, or private jets. It is located outside of the WCE walls, in what used to be the suburbs of Wilmington. However, the sprawl has encroached onto it in recent years, and every year, the airport there loses funds because of the unbelieveable growth rate of the sprawl.

By Land

The easiest access to Delaware is through the roads and trains. A major highway, I-95, runs north-south through most of the state, and an offshoot, I-495, cuts around the WCE for faster travel to Pennsylvania. Border Patrols check vehicles wishing to pass through on I-95 through the Wilmington Corporate Enclave, and require official permits of all sorts including SIN numbers, intent of purpose, and intended time of stay. Unless you have this paperwork and absolutely need to enter the WCE, it is easier to take I-495 if traveling north.

U.C.A.S. Route 13 also runs the entire length of Delaware from north to south, with access points stopping at all major points throughout the most part of the state. For faster travel, there is a toll road, U.C.A.S. Route 1, that can be traveled. Toll is a simple five nuyen.

By Sea

All along the East Delaware border lies the Atlantic Ocean. Many coastal towns and beaches can be reached by small craft, but larger crafts, mostly cargo ships, need to dock at the larger Port of Wilmington, just outside the Wilmington Corporate Enclave. Several small ports dot the coastline at the Shore Points, and can be used for beach hopping or sailing.

Government and Laws

State Law

Delaware's system of government is the still form of government that it has used since the late 20th century. The only exception to this, is the WCE which is effectively run by Corporate Law and Policy. Justice is served quickly within the Enclave, with harsh sentences to those who break Corporate Law. The WCE is patroled by ist own Corporate Police. The state in general is policed under contract by Lone Star Securities.

The most prominent laws in effect in Delaware are laws Prohibiting Drug Trafficking and Firearm Regulation.

Firearms may be purchased by any citizen not having a criminal record and a history of mental illness. Weapons ranging from Derringers to Light Rifles may be purchased (legally). Upon the possible sale of a firearmThe state then places a five day waiting perion upon the applicant while the State Government conducts a background check. Permits to own weapons are 500 nuyen to obtain, and you must have proof of U.C.A.S. and state citizenship, and a valid SIN number, and be 18 years of age. For concealed carry, recently legalized, one must have the above requirements, and a validated reason for such a permit.

The fines and punishment for violating the laws and policies concerning firearms are tough indeed. Possession of unlicensed firearms can place a 10,000 nuyen fine or a sentence of two years in a federal prison on the offender, along with full confiscation of the weapons. Underage possession of firearms leads to confiscation of equipment and usually places the juvenile into a ferris or probation program. Carrying concealed without a permit lands a 15,000 fine or three months in federal prison.

Firearm laws however, are overshadowed by Delaware's laws concerning controled substances. Criminals caught in relation to any sort of drug charges can face steep fines and lengthy jail sentences. Drug addicts and pushers in Delaware are punished severely. The only drug that cannot land an offender in jail is marijuana, which simply places a fine of 250 nuyen for each oz. confiscated. More potent drugs (i.e. opiates, hallucinogenics) can get the offender three years for possession and a 15,000 nuyen fine and an additional five years if there is intent to sell. Simsense chips with an alpha wave rating of 1.7 or lower are legal, although anything higher is considered BTL. BTL possession lands the offender five years jail time and a fine of 75,000 nuyen, and a minimum of ten years if there is intent to sell. 2XS, although extremely rare, can get the seller fifteen years minimum and a fine of 100,000 nuyen, and 2XS users are placed into an intense rehabilitation program, much like a prison system where the user is monitored for an amount of time set by a State Judge.

Other laws pertaining to theft, matrix crime, etc. are the standard laws carried by the U.C.A.S., and can be accessed by going to the official U.C.A.S. Civic Information Board located at LTG 101-33745-289

Punishment for most laws are handled by state courts, of which there are now four, down from a total of eleven in the late 20th century. Most minor offenders are still held in the Gander Hill Maximum Security Prison, with other Mid Security Prisons in Smyrna and Oddessa. Unlike many of its contemporary states, Delaware still practices the Death Penalty for extreme crimes. Premeditated murder trials often petition for this option when a defendant is found guilty of murder and succeed regularly. Criminals convicted of second degree murder and third degree murder can also petition for the death penalty option, but it is harder to approve.

Corporate Law

-----I ommitted this section of the law entry, due to the strangely written and complicated wording used to describe policy within the WCE. Legal Beagle has agreed to answer all questions pertaining to corporate law. From here, any runner with experience with the inner workings of Delaware Corporate Law can post. Remember to keep on topic and play nice.-----

DE SysOp {04-28-57/16:57:39}

-----Drek, they sure like to buckle down on the drug trade here don't they? What's with that?-----

Loco {04-28-57/23:57:09}

-----One of the biggest industries by Saeder-Krupp DE is that of pharmaceuticals. Word around the campfire is that a small, but powerful, group of corporate types have managed to start their own synthetic drug cartels.-----

Warian {04-30-57/01:45:51}

-----Wouldn't doubt it. As posted before, who knows what the frag goes on in that E-Station anymore? They could be making anything in there.-----

Conspirator {.-..-../..:..:..}

-----Well, whatever the cause, Delaware has been forced to knuckle down on drugs. BTL and even 2XS are starting to become problems here.-----

Warian {04-30-57:03:51:37}

-----That's because there's nothing else to do in Delaware.-----

Wraith {04-30-57/03:00:18}


-----Don't trash my home and you can stay on the bbs. -----

DE SysOp {04-30-57/03:02:14}

-----What exactly is corporate law? Where's it's jurisdiction?-----

Color Me Curious {04-30-57:07:56:21}

-----Corporate law is not entirely unlike State law as DE SysOp would make it seem. The main difference is that it is worded differently, (often to confuse out of state lawyers and guarantee that the corporations don't get screwed) and often punishes its criminals more harshly. It also contains the provisions and addendums that allow for the Enclave to have its own Police Force, judges and courts, and bureaucracies. Any charges that get slapped on you are guaranteed to get you even higher penalties than if you were being tried in a state court.-----

Legal Beagle {04-30-57/08:57:13}

-----But, before you ooh and ahh, that's corporate law chummer. When you live in the sprawl, state laws are in effect. Also keep in mind, most cops tend to avoid the places that people like us frequent. How many times have you ever seen a cop running around pulling collars on folks in the Sore Points, or Bridgetown for that matter? Truth of the matter is, is that only in less densely populated areas is it really possible for the state to not only catch you, but also to prosecute you. Trials take forever to get around to in Delaware-----

Squareman {04-30-57/14:53:43}

-----That's why it's crucial that every smuggler with a T-Bird in the First State needs to know they're routes and their employers dead on. LS cops contracted by the S-K agrifarmers catch too many smugglers between the Wilmington Sprawl and the Sore Points for my liking. Smuggling is the riskiest business here as drugs and weapons (a shadowrunner's most lucrative contraband) are heavily regulated and offenders prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Trials may take forever, but the results in Delaware can lead to lots of time with nasty people in Gander Hill.-----

Running Rat {04-30-57/17:09:58}

-----You sound like you speak from experience.-----

Legal Beagle {04-30-57/17:32:22}

-----Happens to the best of us at least once.-----

Running Rat{04-30-57:18:58:12}

-----Hey, the drug laws here are pretty weak though, save for the 2XS. The fines ain't that bad.-----

Pharmacologist {04-30-57/19:00:00}

-----One thing that got left out was that all the fines are based on how much you're carrying. The amount to fine ratio is a little different for each individual drug, but no matter what, if you get caught with a lot on you, you are in for some major fines and lots of time in Gander Hill.-----

Blindrunner {4-30-57/19:12:56}

-----What about magical crimes?-----


-----Magic and the law work the same here as they do anywhere else, with the exception of the toxic elements recently appearing in Bridgetown and DelCity Zone. State law now states that a toxic bounty has been posted. 5,000 nuyen for any person bringing in a toxic shaman. Other than that, the standard rules still apply. No biggie here-----

Legal Beagle {04-30-57/20:01:02}

-----If that's all, this concludes our session on Delaware. If there are anymore questions about Delaware law in 2057, feel free to contact Dredd and he'll get the questions to myself and Beagle. Until then, be careful in the shadows!-----

DE SysOp {04-30-23:58:19}

Email Jedihop
