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The Runners: Klyde Scope, Myles Knight, Cyria Tokage
The Job: The runners are approached by a Mr. Johnson from Biogene Technologies, a small privately owned corporation on the cutting edge of gengineering. Said Mr. J. offers the team a group sum of 120,000 nuyen for a simple datasteal and biological sample from the Aztechnology Research Facility in the Tacoma Metroplex. DNA/DOA is a supplement adventure written by FASA Corp. In no way is this an original story written by myself, but rather the course of actions that Philly's Phinest took while playing the adventure. Nuff' said.
The Real Deal: There are several situations that are problematic with the run. The first is that Klyde Scope is being pushed to betray the other runners by Alamos 20,000, a militant fringe group of the Humanis Policlub, to give the stolen biological sample and data to them by means of kidnapping Silver (See Toxic Candidate) and using her as a way to keep Klyde under their influence. Secondly, the Aztechnology lab to be broken into has fallen victim to its own studies, making the lab a very dangerous and undesirable place to be in. The test subjects, willing or otherwise, are running loose and killing each other. Also hampering the runners is having to bargain with the inhabitants of the Wilhem Park enclave for passage through the ork underground once they've escaped. This one was a real toughie.
The Breakdown:

Klyde Scope sat patiently aboard one of the Tacoma Metroplexes monorail cars, waiting for a man who said that they must meet. Klyde doesn't wait long before the most indescribable man on the world shows up and greets Klyde, letting him know who he is... to a degree. "Mr. White", as the players dubbed him, tells Klyde about an offer they will receive within the next few hours from a Mr. Walker of Biogene Technologies. He informs Klyde that his team will be propositioned to steal a biological sample and its related files from the Aztechnology Research Facility in the Tacoma Metroplex. Mr. White instructs Klyde to not give the stolen goods to Biogene, but to give them to Mr. White's "associates". When Klyde asks why he should consider such an offer, Mr. White shows Klyde a small vid-screen, displaying Silver, gagged and bound in a chair with two well armed men watching over her.

Klyde sits back, thinking of what Mr. White could do to her. He tries to think of anything he can do or of any other options available, then realizes he has no choice in the matter but to play by White's rules or let Silver die. He wearily agrees. Mr. White smiles, glad to see that he has earned a pawn. When asked how to get the paydata to Mr. White's associates, Mr. White gives him a small, bean sized device. He explains that his associates can track and monitor Klyde and his team with it at all times, and that they will be met by said asociates when they feel the time is right. Mr. White instructs Klyde to keep the device near to him, at least by three centimeters, at all times, or something unpleasant could happen to Silver. At the next stop, Mr. White deboards from the monorail, leaving Klyde with the ordeal of turning traitor against his own teammates.

Sure enough, later that night the runners are approached by a wiry little man, who shakes like a chihuahua in the presence of the runners. The man introduces himselves as Mr. Holmes, and offers the runners a chance to have a dinner with "Mr. Johnson". The runners, knowing that to turn down a run means not being able to buy nifty implements of long range death or food, agree to go with Holmes to an undisclosed location to discuss a deal. After being ushered to dinner in a very nice car to an underground parking garage, the runners are herded into an elevator, and before they know it, they are in the plush upper eateries of the Seattle Skyneedle. After being disarmed (by now the players are used to it) by the maitre d', they are led to a room with only one table, with five places set, and a confident looking man with mid length hair in very expensive clothes. The man asks them to be seated, and offers the runners food and drink. Klyde asks for a beer, while the others politely refuse and ask to get down to business. The man begins:
"I have a simple job for you. High-Risk, with a big fat paycheck of 120,000 nuyen to your group for your services. All I need is a competent group of shadowrunners to break into the Aztechnology Research Facility in the Tacoma Metroplex via the local sewers, and steal some data and a biological sample. The paydata is located someplace within the Beta Complex of the lab, and will most likely be gurded by some of the heavyest hitters in the biz. You will be accompanying one of my best deckers, Drew Shaline who will get the datafiles. Your job is to guard Drew and get the samples. After you've got out with the paydata, rendezvous with your contact at the wharf, dock 112. Your contact will be a man who will ask you if you know what color the sky is. You will answer, "I don't know, I haven't seen it since I was a child." He will pay you in full. Do we still have a deal?

Of course they do, even shadowrunners gotta eat. Mr. J. claps his hands together and says "excellent", getting up from the table, and heading to the door. He begins to step through then stops halfway through, turning to the runners saying, "Didn't I tell you. You go now

Mr. J. takes them back down to the parking garage to a black van loaded with stuff. There they meet Drew Shalene, a slim, male elf with a tortoise rigged deck and a few magical fetishes and such other items. After a few pleasantries, the team looks into the van to find it loaded with goodies, ranging from rope and flashtape, to fully automatic H&K carbine assault rifles. Klyde and Myles each take a H&K, Cyria takes an Uzi III, and Drew takes an Ares Predator. Myles discovers a bunch of grenades, two defensive, four offensive, and four concussion, which he doles out to the rest of the team as he sees fit, then he proceeds to take about four pounds of platique and a couple detonators. They all grab comlinks and Myles grabs one of the more esoteric of items from the van: a chem suit. Just in case he says.

Mr. J. then tosses Klyde two aerosol bottles. He tells him that once they have reached the outer plastisteel-7 wall of the Beta Complex, they are to use the contents of the spray bottles to melt down the wall. He tells the team that each bottle contains enough catalyst for two uses. Technically the runners should be able to use one bottle, one use in, one use out. The runners thank him for the instructions, then ask when the frag they get to start the whole deal. The van drives off, with an almost identical van following behind it. The door slides open, revealing a troll rigger with an eyeball jack, rigging the van from within his sim-sense driven world. "Get in," he says, and the runners do, speeding off to the location of their subterranean entranceway.

When they arrive at the manhole, the runners are given a map they can follow that will lead them right up to the outer wall of the complex. Closing the doors, the rigger speeds away, leaving the runners crawling into the sewers. The runners find themselves up to their thighs in cloudy, foul nastiness. It's so bad that even Devil Rats don't come down here. And then there's the smell: an exquisite stench of chemical water and excrement. Holding their noses, the runners traverse the tunnels, passing dark things moving in the shadows, but thankfully, leaving the runners be. Soon, they find themselves outside the wall that separated them from the Beta Complex ventilation tunnels. With Myles' explosives, they blow a hole right through the concrete, leaving a decent part of Myles' explosives left over, and a big fragging hole in the concrete. The red Plastisteel-7 wall is then reduced to a soft, malleable goo by the contents of the aerosol can. The players push through the goo, noting how it seems to be very like bubblegum. They soon find themselves an enterance to the ventilation, and jump headfirst into what may be the worst run of their lives.

The runners find themselves in a cramped ventilation shaft. After pushing through the darkness of the vents, they come to an intersection, one way leading ahead into a way too narrow shaft, and the other to the right, offering a more accessable route. Turning right, the runners find their first point of entry, a vent that has been ripped open...from the inside.

Klyde, the first runner to go into the shafts, looks out the tattered remains if the vent, seeing a huge red splatter against the far wall of the otherwise non-descript, emergency lighted room. He lowers himself down, then helps the other runners down from the vent. The runners look around nervously for any sign of... well, anything. The only thing they hear, is the strange quiet of the complex.

Myles goes out the door first, looking down its length both left and right. As he looks left, he sees a shape in the flickering lights at the end of the tunnel. The shape stands, releasing an uncanny howl and charges for Myles. Luckily, the howl did not freeze Myles so much as it quickened his response. Myles fires his hew H&K, landing several rounds into the beast. It howls again, this time retreating to the other end of the hall. Deciding not to pursue the beast down the hall, the runners decide that they should go in the other direction. Not too smart...

The runners go down the hallway and come to a pressurized door standing ajar. the door leads into a large lobby like room with torn synthetic plants and smashed furniture strewn about the room. A huge tightly sealed door of seemingly unbreakable metal dons the northern wall, denying access through it completely. There wasn't even so much as a keypad to access the operating mechanism. To the east the runners find a dark room, with strange noises coming from it. The runners decide to come back to that one later, taking a passage leading south down to a group of many doors.

The runners decide to take the doors one at a time. The first room they come to contains a large simu-wood desk, hopelessly scratched and beaten, covered papers strewn everywhere. The chairs and the table have huge gouges and clawmarks, and seem to do nothing but sulk in the flickering lights of what must have, at one time, been an impressive meeting room. Drew notices a battered computer terminal hook-up at the far end of the room. As he goes for the hook-up, one of the research staff members bursts out from under the far end of the table. He has been transformed by the meta-human viral strain being experemented with into a tiger sapien hybrid. Before Drew can so much as get a spell up, the researcher slashes at his chest, giving him a moderate wound and causing the runners to open fire and Cyria to toss a wiz manaball spell. After Cyria's impressive spell slinging, the team riddles the now sizzling beast with bullets, Klyde switching to full lead hose, fragging near killing it instantly. After letting out a pathetic cry of death, the beast expires, leaving drew bleeding on the floor. Myles Patches him up as well as can be expected and they discover that the hook-up is broken. On to the next room.

The runners find a makeshift morgue here, hospital style gurneys filling the room. Dark splatters of blood and viscera cover the walls. The bodies of the test subjects look up into the flickering lights, their emotionless, dead eyes open. The runners decide to leave the room quickly, prefering not to look at the gruesome cadavers.

The runners take the door at the end of the hall next, opening it only to be attacked by another weird creaturre upon entry. Myles screams as a huge, blood colored worm bites at his leg with its Morey Eel style teeth. He instantly freaks, firing his gun down at the critter, doing a little damage to himself (Luck he didn't shoot off his own fragging foot!) but removing the creature from his leg. Another tries to go for Klyde, but hears the wrath of the H&K before it explodes into a pulp of blood and guts. Having dispatched the flesh worms, the players search the room, a mess of structure parts, seemingly caved in by a grenade blast. Sifting through the rubble, Myles finds an offensive grenade amongst the wreckage, but nothing more.

The last door on the right was next. The room was obviously a medical research room. Hospital style curtains blocked most of their views of the equipment and some corners of the room. The instant Klyde stepped in to the room, three humanoids, unidentifiable virus-stricken shapes, run out to the team brandishing knives and make shift clubs. Klyde presses the trigger of the H&K hearing only a click. Out of ammo. He spends the rest of his action looking for a reload clip.Cyria and Myles both open fire, pulping two of the once human figures. the last beast makes a clumsy attack, missing completely, leaving the team with an open chance to finish him off. Many bullets are fired, and the last one is put down with relative ease.

The last room in the wing the team finds, is occupied by three uninfected human guards, driven quite insane by the situation in the lab. When the runners enter, they cower screaming, "NO more!!", and immediately open fire. The runners try to talk them down, but to no avail. Myles throws a defensive grenade behind the guards jury rigged barrier, only to have it thrown back to him. The runners bolt, barely getting out of the way in time. The blast leaves the guards entombed within the rubble, and the runners move back the way they came in search of the loot.

They make their way back to their original point of entry after finding the dark room they passed over to be briming with mutated insects. they leave the bugs alone, and the bugs do likewise. They cautiously move back into the passage way, discovering that the hallway is lined with holding cages. Most are open, containing nothing. They enter the door at the end of the hall and come to the lab proper. It is a mass of computers and holding pens, vials of strange chemicals and cryogenic tubes lining the walls, all monitored by expensive looking apparatus that must cost millions of nuyen to purchase and maintain. A mexican man in a blood splattered lab coat grins at the runners as they enter. Two massive mutated trolls flank him at his left and right. "Why do you harm my children?" he asks before starting to spew out technobabble and baby speak almost simultaneously. He is, to say the least, quite insane. The trolls attack after the mexican commands it, and the injured wolf sapien also appears from a holding pen. Combat ensues.

The runners hose the mutants down with a barage of magic and bullets. The doctor screams as the runners down his creations with impunity. Klyde immediately zaps the good doctor with a shock glove to shut him up after killing what is left of the mutants. After the battle ends, the players look to the south wall and find the paydata. Drew decks his way through the system quickly and efficiently while the runners find the samples and OP chips. soon, the runners are heading back through the tunnels they arrive in, once again using the catalyst from the cans to budge through the Plastisteel wall. soon, they are topside again and going to meet their contact an dock 112.

They arrive at the dock, only to be approached by Alamos 20,000, finding out that their contact has been killed and that Klyde has been their tool. when asked for the datafiles and sample, Drew refuses to give the paydata to a bunch of racist thugs. Situations begin to get tense, but before anything can be resolved, Corporate Security (Read: Aztechnology Military)shows up in an unmarked helo, ordering all persons on the docks to surrender. Of course, the runners opt to run and Alamos is stupid enough to open fire on the helo. The runners are shot at as they run for cover in the nearby warehouses. The warehouses that in the Night of Rage imprisoned thousands of metahumans as they burned to death. After breaking into on such warehouse, the runners hear movement inside of the building and almost open fire before they realize that the noises are coming from two very scared looking ork children. soon, a third figure reveals itself, a human woman about thirty years old who claims to be the guardian of the children. She offers the runners sanctuary from the Corps outside and they eagerly accept. Soon, the runners are in the sewers again via a hidden passage within the warehouse, and on their way to safety. On the way, Klyde explains why he had to turn traitor during the run. The other runners decide that they'd rather not kill him, because after all he is a chummer, and what the frag was he supposed to do? they agree that they'll try to help him get out of the mess when the team arrives at Wilhem Park.

The park is located in an old shopping mall, covered by the lava and ashes of the Mt. Ranier volcanic eruption following the Great Ghost Dance. It is sustained by a hydroponic garden fueled by illegal power taps and a cattle herd (a very small cattle hered) consisting of small animals (better than rats) and whatever else the inhabitants, mostly orks with a sprinkling of other metahumans and a sparse few humans, can scrounge, or occasionally steal. The enclave is gas lit and is seemingly self contained. It is linked not only to the docks at the wharf, but also to the ork undreground and several other outlying areas. The team is lead by the human, who introduces herself as Jennifer, to a gathering of ork children sitting around a tired older ork in what is left of a book store. He is just finishing his story of what happened to him in the Night of Rage when the runners arrive. He finishes his story, adding a somber note to the over all mood, and then releases the children to undertake their responsibilities of the enclave. The older ork introduces himself as Alan Bronston, and tells the runners of the current condition of the enclave, which as luck would have it, is not good.

Bronston explains that recently, his younger wards have been dissapearing after traveling in the sewer tunnels that join Wilhem Park to the outside world. Over twenty children have disappeared, and Bronston supposes that most of them are now dead or worse. He believes that the Aztechnology Corporation has something to do with it, which is confirmed by the runners after they tell him of their troubles, as most of the mutants they saw were formerly orks and trolls. Bronston swears under his breath, then tells the runners that he will cut them a deal. If the runners will break back into the Aztechnology Alpha Complex facility and bring back however many ork children they can find along with a Doctor by the name of Carol Owens. When asked how he knows so much about the facility, Bronston only replys that he used to work with Owens, and that she must be taken from the clutches of Aztechnology. Seeing how the team will most likely be shot, killed, or get lost without guidance from the orks in the enclave, they accept the offer.

Before they can leave, an hurried ork rushes up to Bronston saying that men in black masks are attacking the outside of the enclave. Alamos has discovered their hidden enclave and are mounting an assault. Bronston orders the messenger to take the runners back to the Alpha Complex to get the children, telling the runners that they will take care of Alamos. Bronston also promises that they will try to recover Silver and get in touch with Walker at biogene to see that they still have a deal. The players accept his offer and head back into the sewers to get to the Alpha Complex.

After sneaking out through a back enterance, the runners, following Mohan, their guide, skulk back through the sludge in the sewers until Mohan tells them that they have arrived at their entry point. This time, the plastisteel wall is exposed already. Before the runners can thank him for his help, Mohan is gone, waiting for the runners to exit.

After yet another crawl through the vents of Aztechnology, the players exit the vents in a storage closet, startling a custodian. Before he could even scream, Klyde jumps the hapless janitor, shock gloving him into unconsciousness. The janitors keys are relieved from him, and so are his clothes which happen to be just the right size for Myles. Klyde gets a bright idea. He gets one of the rolling garbage cans for Myles from the other end of the supply room, and throws Myles gear into it, covering it with a few papers and bits of junk. Myles becomes "Janitor John" and Cyria casts an invisibility spell to mask Klyde's presence as well as her own. They all exit into the halls of Aztechnology's research center.

After entering several rooms, the runners discover that the Alpha Complex has been locked down, most likely because of the state of affairs in the Beta Complex. After seeing several security guards on watch, "Janitor John" eventually runs into bad news: Samuel Silver, Aztechnology Wage Mage. Sam pulls John aside, asking him if he knows him. Myles says no, but Sam persists. Suspecting him to be someone other than custodial staff, Sam Silver pulls Myles into an office with a slim Mexican man and a very attractive woman in her mid twenties. The man asks why he is being interrupted and Sam tells him why. It didn't take long for the trio to discover the bounty of guns and stuff in the garbage can, and soon, Myles is lead down a long hallway to a detention facility where he is locked in a cell near to Dr. Owens and a group of very scared ork children.

Luckily for Myles, Cyria and Klyde remain unseen by security, and sneak into the main security station where Myles, Owens and the orks are all being held. In one of the ballsiest movies I've ever been privvy to, Myles while still invisible places a concussion grenade in the center of the room. Before the poor slots can even notice that a grenade had materialized in front of them, the grenade goes off. Klyde and Cyria take little damage, since they had the time to take shelter, unlike the security decker, rigger, and projecting mage stationed in the center of the room. Those in cells are protected from the blast by the thick metal doors blocking their passage into the main security room. The large room erupts into gunfire as Klyde and Cyria become visible. A firefight ensues. when the dust and mana settles, there are three people standing. Klyde, Cyria, and a sec guard about ready to drek in his pants.

They shake down the guard for info and keys and quickly set to the task of freeing Owens, the children and Myles. Myles tosses the remaining guard into a cell, locks it and throws away the keys. They run from the ravaged room, orks and Owens in tow behind them. They run past the elevator at the end of the hal, just as it begins to open. The runners exchange fire with the new wave of guards. The runners manage to keep the gurads down with suppressive fire and another grenade toss. Soon, the hallway is full of rubble and the runners make their escape out through the vents from which they came.


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