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-----Well, I can't say everything about this guy on this file. After all, if everyone knew his past or his dealings or location, it could get ugly, but there is some general stuff that we can release. He's authorized this transmission and he says it's the real deal, so here it is.-----

--DE SysOp (02-10-60/01:14:52)

-----What's this I've heard about his recent change in character? I hear Dredd's gone soft and gone into the fixing deal.-----

--Jay-C (02-10-60/01:17:12)

-----I'd watch your tongue if I were you, Jay-C. I may be old, but I'm still capable of knockin' off you lowlife trash, wet-behind-the-ears, snot nosed, poseur, guttertrash runners. You ain't even seen the drek I've gone through to get this far, and at this rate, nothing surprises me anymore. Not even your arrogance. And if you come looking for stuff from me, you're in for a world of hurt. Know that I've been fillin' graves with people like you since you were an itch in your daddy's crotch.-----

--Dredd (02-10-60/01:20:02)

-----I'd listen to him Jay-C. Especially since I know you're Humanis...

--ORK RITES! (02-10-60/01:22:43)

-----Jay-C Removed from system-----

Name: Thomas Edward Dredd
Street Handle: Tommy Dredd
Occupation: Fixer/Freelancer (read: shadowrunner)
Race: Ork
Age: 30

Description: Standing at eight and a half feet tall, Tommy has occasonally been mistaken for a troll. He is bulky and well built and is so old that he has Wired Reflexes without a reflex trigger because they didn't have the tech at the time. Despite his age, Dredd is still alive and kicking, working only for causes he deems worthy of his attention. He has a chipped tusk that he refuses to cap. He says it reminds him that he's mortal. He has grown secure in his old age, and to an ork, thirty means it's time to hang up your guns. However, Tommy feels no signs of aging although his hair at the temples is beginning to grey and his forehead is showing creases of age. His hair is mid length and stringy and his eyes reflect the years of killing and misdeeds he has done in his past. He is remorseful and something has driven him to the far edge of paranoia as he tries to atone for his sins. He has a burning hatred towards ghouls and tends to shy away from mages and shamen.


Reaction - 4 (8)

Initiative - 1 D6 + 4 (3D6 + 8)

Combat Pool: 7

Karma Pool: 10 (Yes, he's been playing that long....)

Good Karma - 0 at current


Cyberware: Cyberears (w/damper, hearing amplification, and sound filter), Cybereyes (w/low-light, thermographic vision, and vision magnification level 3), Smartlink (Lvl 2), Wired Reflexes (Lvl 2), Retractable Hand Razors

Spells: Are you out of your mind?! Tommy hates magic!

Tommy Dredd is my first SR character ever. He was made with second edition SR rules. Yeah, he's weaker that the starting characters you can get now, but this guy has seen EVERYTHING, and you can bank on it. Trust me chummer, Dredd is more than enough for anyone...