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Eviction Notice

The Runners: Cyria Tokage, Myles Knight, Klyde Scope, Weasel, Momma

The Job: A simple sweep and clear of a crumbling tennant building turned squatter refuge so it can be redeveloped. The Mr. Johnson, authorized by an unknown corp, finds a group of starting runners to do the job for 5,000 nuyen each.
The Real Deal: If only it was as simple as squatters. What the corp didn't tell the runners, was that the building wasn't inhabitted by squatters, but rather by ghouls. Also, unbeknownst to the corp, a newly created vampire also lives amongst the ghouls, who the vampire uses for protection from the day time elements.
The Breakdown:

The runners are all sitting around in their flop in the Redmond Barrens, just waiting for a chance to shoot at something when fate rings on the vid-phone. Who should be on the other end but Klyde's regular employer with a good offer. Or at least what he says is a good offer. Mr. J. tells them if they want a job to meet him in a certain alleyway, by a certain Stuffer Shack, in a certain part of the Tacoma Metroplex in two hours. Looked to the runners like it was time to hit the streets.

Having reached said Stuffer Shack a half an hour early, the runners decide that they might as well pick up some growlie bars and soykaf while they eagerly await their potential employer. Cyria and Weasel get out of Myles' car to get the grub, Myles waits behind the wheel while Klyde and Momma wait in the alley in case Mr. J. arrives early as well. To bad a gang shows up and tries to rob the Stuffer Shack

The gang, in traditional bad guy manner, immediately demands that the cashier, a puny looking, acne ridden, adolescent ork, surrender the contents of the register to the gangers. Weasel and Cyria hit the deck, avoiding the attention of the gangers. Cyria casts a quick invisibilty spell to mask her presence while Weasel pops her spurs and waits for the first stupid ganger to try to round her up. It doesn't take long for the gangers to spot weasel and they immediately become the first to engage in combat while Cyria escapes through the backdoor to get the others. Soon, gunfire erupts from within the Stuffer Shack as Weasel and the ganger try to kill each other

Suddenly, Myles, Momma and Cyria blow in the windows with a blast of magical fire and automatic rounds, frying one ganger to a crisp and giving the huge troll ganger by the register a nice shot in the shoulder. Klyde sneaks in through the back to catch two fleeing gangers, damn near killing them fragging instantly. Meanwhile, Weasel and her gang counterpart in the firefight finish their small battle, ending with Weasel standing over the dead ganger with a smoking gun and a smile on her face.

The battle rages on between the seemingly immortal troll at the store's front and the runners. Momma makes a clumsy attack against the troll with his hand razors, not so much injuring the troll so much as he slotted him off. Just before the troll could turn Momma the ork into pastykakes on the tiled floor, Klyde steps in and lets his shotgun do the talking, knocking him to the floor. The troll spends his next action bleeding, while Myles steps in and point blank's the troll right on the spot with his shotgun. Overkill, yes. Necessary, maybe...

Needless to say, the ork casheir is busy hiding behind the counter until the shooting stops. When he finally peeks up from behind the counter he sees a group of shadowrunners looting the ganger's bodies. When the runners take notice of him again, the ork says "The manager's gonna be slotted off." This may have been the understatement of the year. After finishing their quick inventory check, the ork lets the players leave with anything they need for free, an offer which the players take full advantage of. Grabbing their free growlie bars and soykaf, they await Mr. Johnson across the street in an adjacent alleyway. Evcentually, Mr. J. arrives and gives them the job as shown in "The Job" above, and the runners gleefully accept.

The runners arrive at the crumbling squat a little before 11:30 P.M. and do the thing they do. Klyde agrees to guard Cyria's body as she goes astral to do recon, while Momma and Myles search the side building and Klyde checks out a building off to the side. During her astral run, Cyria finds several abberant humanoid figures inhabiting the decrepit structure. Myles is the first to find such a creature. Actually, he finds three creatures. The three ghouls were involved in a fight for what appeared to be a human leg. Myles, disgusted with this gruesome display metered out justice with his shotgun, turning three ghouls into chunky salsa within seconds. Soon after Myles' first shot, the others moved in. After all was said and done, Cyria had downed one, Klyde had two, Myles had three, Momma and weasel finding nothing. This display of violence drove off most of the ghouls, but the vampire had other plans.

Klyde was the first one to know that the team was no longer alone. The vampire eluded them after a quick chase through two levels of the five story building. At the third floor, the vampire seemingly dissapeared and the third floor was covered in a strange fog, which Klyde and Myles both noticed seemed to be moving of its own will. After putting two and two together, Klyde and the rest of the runners discovered the vampire on the fourth floor, reformed from the mist running down the hall to a window. The vampire did a crow style leap out the window and onto the fifth floor, where the the players promptly chased him to the roof.

Now it was midnight in the Barrens and a fog had rolled in covering the ground up to the roof. The moon shone full and the runners huddled in a protective circle as they waited for the vampire to show itself. It soon did, lunging at the shaman Cyria. One mana ball later, the vampire was sizzling on the floor, questioning Cyria's parentage and saying bad things about her mother. Cyria tried to finish it off with a flame bolt, but failed to cast the spell in time. Lucky for her that Klyde was such a good shot. The thundering report of the Ares Predator rang into the night as it delivered a single shot to the head. Enough to kill any vampire threat. Soon the body was gone and the mission was complete.

Upon return to Mr. J., the players expressed their troubles to him. Upon hearing of their troubles, he gave each runner an extra 2,000 nuyen in adittion to the original sum for their prompt execution of the run, and to keep them from killing him on the spot for a bad set-up. Not bad for a first run, but you know what they say. "It's not a shadowrun unless you Johnson screws you twice

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