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Jaichem Carridan

-----Okay, who the hell is this guy? I've never heard of him at all, and I know the scene better than anyone. -----

Mantara (07-22-60/02:13:09)

-----That would be because he's new, well to Seattle anyway. He's been around quite a bit. I heard that this guy made a run to Bug City back in '57. -----

Dredd (07-22-60/02:34:07)

-----You know the location of Jaichim Carridan? I believe we have much to talk about...-----

Anonymous (No Time/Date Stamp Found)

-----Dredd, we've got a serious problem here, someone's decking into our system!-----

De SysOp (07-22-60/02:38:12)

-----Jaichem, there will be no escape. We will find you.-----

Anonymous (No Time/Date Stamp Found)

-----Move the node Delaware! We're losing our IC! Crash the fragging board if you have to! This guy is good!-----

Dredd (07-22-60/02:39:51)

SYSTEM SHUTDOWN IN 5..4..3..2..1..

-----This board has been temporarily disconnected-----

Player: Jeff Evans

Name: Jaichem Carridan

Race: Troll

Street Name: Jai

Sex/Age: Male/24?

Occupation: Street Samurai

Description: Jaichem is nearly 600 pounds of hulking troll after weighing in the cybertorso and other assorted cybernetic enhancements. He is scarred in many places from injuries he no longer remembers. When he pulls his hair back, a long seven inch scar can be seen, running from the right side of his hairline to almost all the way to the back of his skull.

The Story:

Jaichem has only been technically conscious for the last three years. He awoke in an alleyway with a fractured skull, the clothes on his back and no memory of his past or his former occupation. After several weeks of hard work, he managed to recieve a fragment of his past, a name that he knew was his, but held no other meaning to him. He remembered that he was Jaichem Carridan. But when he tried to look himself up, he found nothing. There was no record of any Jaichem Carridan in any public database. He tried a few street deckers who in turn discovered nothing. Desperate for answers, he knew he would need more money. He turned to the man who had found him in the alley, a street doc named Kaine, that if an oppurtunity to make serious nuyen arose, to contact him immediately. After a few days, a mixed blessing landed at Jaichem's door. Kaine told him that an oppurtuity had come up from a fixer in the area. It was high risk, long on nuyen, and was meant for a man with nothing to lose. Jaichem packed his few worldly belongings into a dufflebag and went to the meet.

When he got there he met a few others in the same situation: broke, talented and willing to risk it all for the big score. The deal was simple. The J. offered them all a three million nuyen split to make an extraction from Bug City. The J. didn't really expect anyone to make it back. Amazingly, Jaichem managed to survive, due to the unusually strong enhancements and nerves of steel he possessed from benefactors (???) he no longer remembered. After getting his cut of the run, a cool 600,000 nuyen, he set off to meet with a shadowy agent he met while en route to Chicago and to start a new search for his lost past.

The Stats



Cyberware:Cybertorso w/soft armor, Wired Reflexes (2), Cybereyes, Reflex Recorder (Edged Weapons/Projectile Weapons), Muscle Augmentation, Enhanced Articulation

Spells: Uh..... no.

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