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Klyde Scope

-----Klyde Scope? C'mon what a cheezy name! What kind of shadowrunner has a name like that?-----
Measles {11-05-57/18:17:16}
-----You'd know why if he fragging hit you! Packs a mean punch, chummer.-----
Barman {11-05-57/23:56:23}
-----Isn't he the one of the runners who knocked of that toxic shaman at the Superdome? I've heard that Vogel owes him big time.
HalfPint {11-06-5701:01:59}
-----I think he shoulda let the shaman, toxic or not, take the plunge so that we could've eliminated the meta-freak platform, and keep a unified human run front
BurningCross {11-06-57/08:34:56}
-----Cross, you're still clueless aren't you? If you read the paper, you'd see that he stands a fair chance of leading the nation. Get yer head outta yer hoop. By the time I'm done with your humanis hoop, yer gonna wish you didn't leave a time date stamp! [SEND TRACE AND BURN]-----
Nymph With Claws {??-??-??/ha:ha:ha}
-----Hey, what kind of a name is Measles?-----
Scope {11-07-57/09:58:43}
-----Frag off.-----
Measles {11-07-57/23:01:02}
Real Name: Alan Derringer
Street Name: Klyde Scope
Age: 24 / Sex: M
Race: Human
Occupation: Street Samurai

Description: Klyde Scope is a human male with a strong build, long black hair, and silver eyes. Has a chip on his shoulder the size of Bug City.

The Story: Klyde Scope was raised in the urban nightmare that was the Redmond Barrens. He lived a tough life there, but was befriended early on by an urban tribal group. After falling in with them, he soon discovered the thrill of shadowrunning: the cash. With his new found friends, skill, and cred, he went out and bout his guns, his ware, and eventually earned his street name after punching a man in a barfight, making him see more than one star. Klyde is currently on the run, after an incredibly hostile run against Aztechnology.

The Statistics:


Cyberware: Cybereyes W/Thermographic and Visual Magnification, Smartlink(1), Audio Recorder, Wired Reflexes(1)

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