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From left to right: Burt, John, Corrine, West

This is the part where I give credit to the real makers of the game. The players. Without these fine people, I would never be able to run in the first place. Without further ado, here's the credits!

Philadelphia's Phinest is a group of four people who have dedicated their time and effort to play an excellent group of shadowrunners in the city of Seattle. We know, the group's name is Philadelphia's Phinest, but that's because it's where we physically play the game. The runners started, for the most part, as fresh recruits so to speak: persons with little or no knowledge of the RPG hobby (three new, two old hands). Of the five starting members, two dropped (no hard feelings, it's not for everyone) but much to everyone's surprise, three new runners came along! Unfortunately though, we've taken a hit. We are now down in number at a lowly four. But we are happy in out rut! The players are as follows:

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