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Giant Robo Kicks Ass

As stated above, Giant Robo kicks ass. Duh. What is there not to like about a OAV series that features some of the weirdest freaks of nature, supernatural powers, bastard villains and a giant nuclear powered robot that absolutely insists on kicking ass? I have now mentioned ass kicking three times, four if you count the last statement. Are we noticing a pattern here?

To simplify things, this is what Giant Robo has to offer: Giant Robo is set in the near future, or more precisely, 2039, in a world where nuclear power and all other fossil fuels have been rendered unefficent next to a technological quantum leap known as the Shizuma Drive. The drive is clean burning, energy efficient and recyclable. It is present in every device from industrial and military vehicles down to the smallest of cigarette lighters. Even as the world begins to reap the benefits of the drive, there's always someone who doesn't appreciate what the world has been given.

Enter Big Fire, a terrorist organization who (c'mon, you know what they want already) are hell bent on world domination. Who'd a thought it? In any event, Big Fire has a plan so insidious, that only an ex-member of the team that created the Shizuma Drive could hatch, or at least that's what they'd like the world to believe... Three alternate drives created by the mad scientist Franken Von Folger exist that will power the machine known as Von Folger's Eye; an unstoppable juggernaut that is capable of draining energy from every Shizuma Drive on Earth. As the story progresses, all of the skeletons come out of the closet. Patricide, bitter brothers and sisters, and insane amounts of heroes and villans expiring in puddles of their own blood are the common fare. Giant Robo brings not only incredible action, but pathos and drama as well. It is a tale of a world held hostage by an organization run by madmen. But they are madmen to be feared.

But, "Do not panic!" The International Experts of Justice are there to protect the fragile masses. Led by Chief Chujo (no idea how to spell that name), the justices Tetsgyu, Taisou, Yoshi, Essei, Gin-Rei, Ken Murasame, Dr. Shizuma, Professor Go-Sama, and the controller of Giant Robo, Daisaku Kazama, they brave the dangers created by Big Fire. Giant Robo himself remains off screen for much of the time of this series, only coming out when something really needs to get its ass stomped. And what a stomping Robo deals out.

Currently, I am only in possession of five episodes out of seven, inclusive of the big finale which has finally been released. I could tell you how it ends, but just go and see for yourself. Trust me, you'll like it.