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Shadowrun Review Page

Shadowrun: Third Edition

The Raw Deal:

Okay, boys and girls, the results are in. After jonesing for a copy of this book for about three months, I am proud to say that I have marched into my local hobby shop and snatched up my long awaited copy of Shadowrun Third Edition. Here is what I have found so far.

The writing has changed a little. The descriptions of places and events that happen in the sixth world have now been put into a more conversational tone, creating something that is a bit more user friendly. The art is GORGEOUS. It has improved 100% and seems to show no signs of going down hill. Character creation has been tweaked so that metahumans no longer get screwed over by low resource and skill priorities as per the old priority system. Also, Skills have been altered slightly, so that every character created through the new system will know a lot about what that person knows in general. The dumb troll stereotype has been toned down (but how far can you really tone down a metahuman who's three meters tall?) and metahuman templates are given in street terms as opposed to the rugged, scientific mumbo-jumbo of the Second Edition. Basic concepts and rules from the Grimoire, Awakenings, Virtual Realities 2.0, Cybertechnology, Shadowtech and Rigger 2 have also been integrated to make for a more complete overview of game mechanics originally not included in Second Edition.

But, as all things in life, not all is perfect (although this game is pretty fragging close) and I have found a few setbacks. The core rulebook no longer contains well defined Critter or Contact chapters. They have incorporated Pre-made Character archetypes with the Contact section of the original book, and the critters section has been overrun by a smaller Spirits and Dragons chapter. While Magic and Rigging and Decking have been centralized, the equipment and cyberware sections have been scattered throughout the last twenty or so pages of the book in a haphazzard manner. A small price to pay for having the edge of Alphaware.

In conclusion, this new edition of out favorite Roleplaying game seems to not have disappointed us again! I can only wait now for the New Seattle sourcebooks and the Renraku Arcology: Shutdown supplements. Not at all disapointing after a long three month's wait! Two thumbs up!!!