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Web Graphics

Web Graphics

WARNING: These images are the copyrighted property of M. Burton Hopkins III. They are NOT clip art, nor are they available for use by anyone but the creator.

This page contains the original artwork that I've created for use in all of my webpages. Most are wholly created within the confines of my Gateway 2000, although some are the result of images which had been scanned and composited with Adobe Photoshop (my all time favorite program). I've broken them into sections to give you an idea of the types of art I can bring to your webpage. As this page is mostly graphics, it may take a minute or so for this page to load. Thank you for your patience.

The two images below were stylized images used for my Tarot page in the Shadowrun* half of this webpage. I used actual scans of the standard tarot deck and composited them onto a stone textured tablet with a few filters from Adobe Photoshop

Tarot Logo

Cards Banner

The next two images can be found on my Shadowrun* homepage. I used wholly computer generated graphics to create a neon light kind of image and color. Filters were added upon multiple layers, and lighting effects were added.

Data Haven Logo

Adjustment Banner

On several of my Shadowrun* pages, I have decided to replace the standard text titles with assorted images using gradients, filters and stylized images. These are just a few.

Runners Logo

Chronicles Logo

Tommy's Logo

Gamesmaster's Dungeon

Magic in 2060


These next images are commonly found at the top of my Shadowrun* pages to represent the computer iconography used in the Shadowrun roleplaying game.

Datastore SPU

The first of these graphics is the new header for my Random Thoughts page. The ones below it are a part of my Random Thoughts Character Gallery. One represents the insignia of Martin Black, the other for Jack Bowie. With any luck, they will appear on the galadrim server as well as my own. I have also included the Character Gallery graphic as well.

Random Thoughts

Martin's SealNeon EtchesCharacter Gallery Banner

Jack's Neon Swirl

Back to the Pasture

* Shadowrun (TM) is the legal property of FASA Corporation. The Matrix (TM) and all its contents are copyrighted elements of said property. The Shadowrun (TM) page is not an official website, but a resource used to assist gameplay amongst a specific gaming group. Some images from those pages were taken without permission and no harm is meant by this and it is not used to make profit of any kind. The artwork on this page has been created wholly by myself, and contains no official FASA Corporation property. My SR site is a tribute to the game, not an attempt to make profit, and is for my players and my own enjoyment only.