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Brandon Lee

Brandon Bruce Lee Feb. 1, 1965 ~~ Mar. 31, 1993

And he left us.
Yet, in his absence, his presence is and shall be stronger than ever.
For he is everywhere now.
And he is inside of us.
We, who witnessed the brilliance of his flame,
and were warmed by its heat; we, who heard the chimes
of his churchbell laughter ring the plains of starry dawns;
we, who stood in the pure rain of his divine and noble spirit,
are now its blessed, honored keepers.
Within and through us he shall live on and our lives shall ever be
enriched by him in ways wonderous and untold. Fly high, dear friend.

---Robert Zuckerman, March 31, 1993

If you have any pictures, quotes, or anything you would like to say about how Brandon effected your life email me at the address at the bottom of the page. Feel free to say whatever is in your heart and your mind. Thanx.

Brandon Lee Images

