Is now seeking submissions for:


A Buffy, the Vampire Slayer/Angel Adult zine.

The first issue of this zine was a roaring success, so no one had to beg me to make a second one. :-) Stories must be centered around Angel, but the rest of the gang can make an appearance too. I'll accept any kind of stories, even AU and crossovers. There is only one restriction: no slash. Deadline August 1st.

Story length: no limits. The whole zine will be a minimum of a 100 pages and a maximum of 200. Stories that exceed a 100 pages can be considered to be published as a stand alone novel.

Story ratings: Ratings from G to NC-17 are accepted. (So, basically everything. )

Poetry: Of course I accept poetry too.

Artwork: Yes please. Zines look so much nicer with artwork. Artwork can mean anything from manipulated pictures to drawings.

Submission guidelines: Stories, poetry and artwork can be send by e-mail (preferred), disk or hardcopy. Stories and poetry in Word (6.0 and up), WP (5.1 and up) and Works. If you send a disk, please include hardcopy. Artwork can be sent in any format.

Stories over 5 pages, two pieces of poetry or any form of artwork will earn you a free tribcopy of the zine. Stories under 5 pages or one piece of poetry: I'm forced to ask for $5 to cover the postage.

Some additional information for those of you that have never heard of zines. What's a zine? Back in the dark ages -- ie before the internet -- people still wrote fanfiction of all types. Without the web to make the stories available, people began publishing collections of stories and selling them at conventions, by word of mouth, through snail mail flyers, etc. Even after the advent of the internet, zines are still extremely popular -- especially the ones filled with stories that are not available on the net. On a personal note, even with my access to the net, I still love the printed word. There is something about holding a zine in your hands and settling back on the couch to read it postage). that can never be beaten by staring at a computer screen. How many of you print out a story before reading it?

Costs Zines cost money to make. Printing, binding, postage and a few other things. The selling price is based on the production costs. I do not make any profit, every dollar I receive goes right back into the making of the zine (or a following one). I keep a fairly high standard for my zines, but I always try to make the costs as low as possible.

And finally: Who or what is Vision Quest Press? VQP is an amateur zine press, ie we only publish fanfiction. It started out with Quantum Leap slash zines, but lately I've been branching out. The first issue of 'Angel's Heart' is an example of that. As for myself, my name is Lisa Martin, avid slash fan, the reading and writing kind. My fandoms include: Quantum Leap, Due South, Highlander, The Sentinel, Stargate, Hercules, the Legendary Journeys, Buffy and Angel.

If you have any questions, mail me!

Lisa Martin

E-mail Vision Quest Press