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This is going to be a really plain page cause i couldnt be bothered with scripting ...
basically if you're reading this you're someone i count really close to me, or who i want to share these writings with ...
the only problem is nearly everything i've ever written i've given away ; my writing isn't for me, it's to give others an insight into me.
so from now on i'm keeping a copy and putting it on this web page, sort of a collage of the way i'll be feeling over the next few years ...
a'ite ... here we go :) enjoy the ... ride.

"Tears" written 7th Nov 2001.

Finally enough tears have been shed, &
I can swim through the evidence of misery,
My salty multitude encompasses dry land,
The fruits of a shattered heart;
Jutting peaks rise in testament to the heights of love,
Yet as I walk the recesses of this ocean,
I am reminded the depths of absolute pain.
This sun mocks, giving warmth but allowing no-one
Admittance. She is your icon. Together you are both fused.
You destroy the unsuspecting heart.
The birds of my land know of your deceipt,
They never glance at your brilliance ...
And their morning song warns all of your arrival.

"The failing of perfection" written 8th Nov 2001
The eternal light is cast down,
By one who has replaced its perfection.
It is now you who provide,
Warmth and inspiration to this heart of darkness.

For it is you whom have succeeded
Where old perfection failed,
This heart is aglow,
From the burning embers of your countenance.

My repayment is to pour vile waters into the depths of your lake of beauty,
Laughing as brilliant flames subside to nothingness.

Now this empty heart reaches to cold stone for salvation,
A memory of the divine heat is lost in this cold being, as
Laughter is fused into bitter tears,
Readily absorbed by the reminder of old dreams ...
And dark ash is now smeared over the walls of my soul.

"Longing for u" written 2nd Dec 2001

Anguish carves a pitiful grave in this heart,
As fleeting moments stretch to an eternity in your absense,
Yet time mocks this soul;
As i try to capture eternity in your embrace,
For where else would I abide? ---

But in the presence of my joy,
Which guides even my darkest hour ...
For it is you who provide,
The resting place in which I hide.

This page captures the sparks from my soul,
And releases the discomfort of not knowing,
Whether love has encroached upon you as well.

Yet I know I need you.

"Forgiveness" -- written ... umm .. awhile ago:P

Love fled from this vacant shell, where
Joy once flourished from an abundant well,
Now bitterness and hurt find rest,
And sadness prepares her nest.
Amongst pillars of light,
My soul found heavenly flight,
Yet now I remain foncounded by seemingly eternal night,
How do i stray from what I know is right?

For it should be in You i confide,
Your majesty encompasses all,
Yet you save me despite my fall,
From thrones of gold in mighty halls,
It is in sublime meekness and humility I crawl.
To One who knows my soul.

"You" Written 9th Jan 2002
These un-wizened eyes have glimpsed
The fruitless endeavours of cruel men,
Bloodshed, death, destruction.
These stained hands have remoursefully
Been the instruments of those with hatred sown
Into stone hearts.

Yet as these eyes fall on you
Past memories vanish ;
And I see only the best this world
Has to offer.

For these damaged hands have caressed
The skin of one who this boy
Eternally thanks for bringing
Light into his dark world.

I now stand from afar offering you all that is me,
But comforted to have you but as a friend,
Guiding me in this road to self awakening.

And while you know all that is me,
I place at your feet a friendship which will
Endure throughout the ages.

"A Dream of Love" Written 9th Jan 2002
I lean against this dream,
Secure in your false love,
For alone in a fabricated world,
My mind grants my hearts’ deepest desire.

Reflected in reality is your absolute perfection,
Yet in this world I admire from afar,
Against reality I battle for love.

Clouded in my dream we relish on
Love to mock the heavens in pureness,
As the earth weeps endless tears …
For we have surpassed her greatest ideals.

None have ever tasted so sweet a feeling,
As uncontained we embrace the stars,
And command the sun to provide us warmth.
These stars adorn your hair,
And eternity issues from parted lips,
Which speak only for me.

Your eyes entice me to delve into this ocean,
And the treasures burden my overwhelmed soul,
To a point ; I break and meld with you.
So together we journey the passages of time,
Marvelling at this gift we chanced upon.

But alas ; I awaken to the knowledge we cannot be,
For while my heart is entrapped by love,
You soar above me,
Unable to hear my calling
I remain unseen, unknown, unloved
And trapped … in love alone.

"Repentance" Written 9th Jan 2002
The haunting reminders of loneliness scream at their arrival,
As once again I’m faced with a future alone,
Depression enters into this vile potion,
Which tears my soul as it poisons my being,
And fleeting joy, which I greedily clutched at,
Is once again so far from my reach.

I choose to endure this tempest alone,
For my spiritual family and I have grown,
Apart in my worldly pursuits of happiness
But I’ve ended up with so much less,
In truth my Spirit is a seething mess,
And I live my life in a constant state of denial,
Of that which could bring absolute peace.

"Dodge" Written 11th Jan 2002
This youths eyes have read soulful words of devotion,
Written by the aged hands of wise men,
My ear catches the faint whispers,
Of lovers entwined,
In the delicate act
Of dodging loneliness.

Written 2Oct2002

Roaming the plains of eternity,
I've finally broken free,
As focus is placed upon me

Unsubstantial and tattered,
From which most have fled,
In pursuit of oceans unchartered,

A simple child i appear to you,
This ocean is so wide and blue,
Captivating my might, I always ran in fright,
Yet now my eyes are flared, she renews my sight,
Uncontained I attain new heights,

Berefit of the constraints which plunged my being into darkness,
I climb wearily through a mess,
My past makes me less of a man,
yet I continually plan, to provide,
to be one in which my love can confide,
and renew a heart rent,
suffocated by hatred a man spent,
over years of eternal midnights,
and although the past is the past,
still I ask ...
was it such a hard task,
to restrain rage,
so these memories would cease to plauge.

Written 25th Oct

A narrow tear glides this cheek,
The contours defining her path,
As battling she dreams of her origin ...

Iris enveloped in burning pain,
Wherein her life was born,
A castaway ...
She begs for love to be reborn,
As her path crosses moist lips,
Sobbing for the end of sorrow.

Shallow breaths are expelled in pain,
As shards of a shattered heart,
Tear into a voice once used for laughter,
Now bitter memories plague a broken mind,
As I wait for my bretheren to fall.

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