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Voyager quotes from the Fourth Season

68. Scorpion II
"I'll delete myself at the first sign of trouble. Well, maybe not the first sign." -- Doctor. "Choose a representative or the deal's off!" -- Janeway to the Collective, who has no idea whom they're dealing with. "Do you have a better idea?" -- Tuvok. "We are Borg." -- Seven of Nine. "I take that as a 'yes.'" -- Tuvok. "How did you obtain this information?" -- Tuvok. "We are Borg." -- Seven of Nine. "Naturally." -- Tuvok. "You lack harmony, cohesion, greatness. It will be your undoing." -- Seven of Nine to Chakotay. "Mr. Kim, the captain: I'm two for two." -- the Doctor. "It's time to make the call and I'm making it." -- Janeway to Chakotay. The nanoprobes were successful if not prompt." -- Tuvok.
69. The Gift
"Perhaps she is experiencing an after-effect of some kind." -- Tuvok. "A reasonable diagnosis...for a security officer." -- Doc. "It may still be active. If you think there's a risk, Mr. Tuvok, you can throw one of your little forcefields around the chamber." -- Doc. "A prudent security measure...for a doctor." -- Tuvok. "I can tell by the expression on your face that you have some bad news." -- Janeway. "I have no expression on my face. However, you are correct." -- Tuvok. "I've got an Ocampan who wants to be something more and Borg who's afraid of becoming something less. Here's to Vulcan stability." -- Janeway. "One...One..." -- Seven of Nine. "Ah. Tuvok's meditation lamp. I was with him when he got it six years ago from a Vulcan master who doubled the price when he saw our Starfleet insignia." -- Janeway. "I'm sure it was the logical thing to do." -- Kes. "I also took the liberty of stimulating your hair follicles, a vicarious experience for me, as you might imagine." -- Doc.
70. Day of Honor
"Let me access your controls." -- Torres. "I thought you'd never ask." -- Paris. "Have you come to have your honor challenged?" -- HoloKlingon. "I guess so. Yes." -- Torres. "Perhaps it was an unexpected act of kindness." -- Janeway to Seven.
71. Nemesis
"Weren't you drilled to fathom the Nemesis?" -- Brone to Namon. "Nemesis wasn't scared to fume my village, nor scared to nullify my cousins and brothers in their sleep, and my old mother's mother too, who never told an unkind word, nor nullified an insect in all her days and nights on this sphere." -- Rafin to Chakotay. "But you wrestled your trembles to rages, didn't you?" -- Rafin to Chakotay. "Keep your top low and your glimpse wide." -- Brone to Rafin. "It's sharper to backwalk!" -- Brone to his soldiers (i.e. Run away!). "From the condition of your hypothalamus, I'd say that had you so mixed up they could have convinced you your own mother was a turnip." -- the Doctor to Chakotay. "Why me?" -- Chakotay.
72. Revulsion
"Had I known this commendation entailed ritual humiliation, I might have declined." -- Tuvok. "Shut up." -- Paris to Torres. "I didn't realize I'd struck a nerve. Perhaps you'd like a tranquilizer." -- Doctor to Torres. "It took me a few days to master the social graces." -- Doctor to Torres. "Then you wish to copulate?...Take off your clothes....I won't hurt you." -- Seven to Kim. "Oh, you're getting blood everywhere. I'm going to have to deactivate you." -- Dejaren to Torres. "Are you sure your heart can take it?" -- Paris to Torres. "I'm detecting elevated hormonal levels. If you two don't take it easy I'll have to declare a medical emergency." -- the Doctor to Paris and Torres.
73. The Raven
"I was not traumatized. I was raised by the Borg." -- Seven to Doctor. "Two hundred and fifty grams glycoproteins consisting of 53% polypeptides and 26% fibrous glyogen. Ugh. Doesn't sound very appetizing." -- Neelix to Seven. "A small freighter, containing a crew of thirty-nine, taken in the Damine Sector. They were easily assimilated. Their dense musculature made them excellent drones." -- Seven. "Well, lucky for you, I guess." -- Neelix. "Scoop some up. That's the way. Right into your mouth just like a little scout ship flying into a shuttle bay. Take [the fork] out. Keep your mouth closed. That's right. Now, you chew. Chew, chew, chew, chew, chew." -- Neelix to Seven. "Are your translators malfunctioning?" -- B'omar ambassador to Janeway and Chakotay. "Apparently, she finds my behavior easy to predict, whatever that means." -- Kim. "Don't take it personally. Coming from Seven, that's probably a compliment." -- Janeway.
74. Scientific Method
"These symptoms are hardly surprising, Captain. You work absurdly long hours under constant stress, eating on the run, without sufficient exercise or rest. Your body is crying out for mercy." -- The Doctor. "It certainly is right now." -- Janeway. "Sounds like you see a future in this." -- Torres. Paris counters, "I would never be so presumptuous." -- Paris. "Smooth recovery, Lieutenant." -- Torres "I thought so." -- Paris. "Shall I flog them as well?" -- Tuvok to Janeway. "I hope you were exaggerating about those odds, Tuvok." -- Janeway. "I was not." -- Tuvok "I never realized you thought of me as 'reckless,' Tuvok." -- Janeway. "A poor choice of words. It was clearly an understatement." -- Tuvok.

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